Content Posted in 2024
2024 Private Capital Markets Report, Craig R. Everett
80th Annual Pepperdine Bible Lectureship--Harbor: God Loves Forever (2023), Mike Cope
81st Annual Pepperdine Bible Lectureship--Harbor: Running with Perserverance (2024), Mike Cope
A Case Study of Russian Cyber-Attacks on the Ukrainian Power Grid: Implications and Best Practices for the United States, Miles Pollard
Achievement goal theory: achievement goals in predicting pre-competitive anxiety in athletes, Ysmara Sainz
A commentary on Acts of apostles : with a revised version of the text, John William McGarvey
A Computational Analysis of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Public Diplomacy Discourse in Times of Crisis, Amber Brittain-Hale and Amber Brittain-Hale
Addressing burnout: a shift to the progressive work model, Monika M. Doss
Addressing inappropriate polypharmacy: investigating perceived facilitators and barriers to U.S. pharmacists' ability to recommend deprescribing, Susanne Steiner
Addressing Organizational Challenges in the Accounting Industry through Academic-Industry Collaboration: A Literature Review, Blair Johnson
Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Virginia’s Education System: Empowering Solutions through Expanded School Choice, Connor Merk and Darren Borsini
African Union’s Youth Education Challenge: A Critical Review of Agenda 2063, Ruth V. Akumbu and Jennifer Jukanovich
A Friend in a High Place: Social Support and Its Moderating Effect on the Association Between Negative Interpersonal Interactions and Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Eunji Shin, Emilie Chai, and Nataria Joseph
A Laboratory Evaluation of the Effects of Empathy Training on Racial Bias, Victoria D. Suarez, Adel C. Najdowski, Angela Persicke, and Jonathan Tarbox
Alyosha the Christian Hermeneut, Eddie Li
American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765-1795, Edward J. Larson
Analyzing Potential Shifts in Abortion Attitudes Among Hispanics/Latinos in the U.S., Priscilla Gonzalez
An Analysis of Due Process Hearing Decisions for “§ 504-Only” Students, Perry A. Zirkel
An Analysis of United States v. Morta: Refining the Application of the Other-Indicia Approach to Criminal-Alias Mail, Nicholas Manning
An Analysis of Variables Contributing to Board Certified Behavior Analyst Turnover, Abigail Blackman, Sandra A. Ruby, Byron Wine, Derek D. Reed, and Yangue Li
An examination of the facilitators and barriers for implementing environmental sustainability plans into corporate strategy, Nathan Maton
A phenomenological study on tokenism and leadership style of Black executives in corporate organizations, Alan Keith Caldwell
A Polygamist Proposal: How Dispute Resolution Techniques Provide Solutions in the Polygamy Debate, Ellie Martinez
Applicability of Discharge Exceptions to Corporate Debtors in Subchapter V: A “Death Blow” to Rescuing Small Businesses, Robert J. Landry III
Artificial Intelligence Common Good in Research and Academics, Maher Abdelwahab
Association between Estrogen-Related Genetics and Microbial Factors in Breast Tissue, Rachel Yutong Jiang, Lindsey Marian, and Leah Stiemsma
A systematic review of risk and protective factors for mental health among Latinx college students, Melissa Gavilanes
A tick's quest: The effects of climatic stress on host-seeking behavior of wild ticks, Lawson Trimmell, Peter Briggs, and Javier Monzón
At the intersection of religion, spirituality, and clinical psychology: A conversation with two Jewish psychologists, Robert A. deMayo and David A. Levy
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, Aidan Zong
Aunt Trina, Knitting Mentor, Eden Reitnour
Best practices of information technology project managers leading agile projects, Anshu Singh Lal
Best practices of secondary grades 6-12 educators teaching physical computing with microcontrollers, David E. Platt
Better Religion: A Primer for Interreligious Peacebuilding, John D. Barton
Beyond Lau: Envisioning humanizing and culturally sustaining workspaces for teachers in dual-language bilingual education schools, Helen Chan Hill and Kevin M. Wong
Beyond Perfection: The Beauty of Imperfect Language Learning, Kevin M. Wong
Beyond the classroom: unraveling the impact of student engagement on graduation rates in New York City, Kimberly McCall
Black and White Still Life, Diamond Brazile
Black and White Still Life, Adri Sahakian
Black and White Still Life, Fiona Hastings
Black and White Still Life, Elizabeth Astin
Black and White Still Life, Daniel Stahly
Black Voting Patterns: Do Voters Vote for Black Women?, Olivia Noell Baker
Black women leaders bend but don’t break: a qualitative examination of coping with workplace inequity in fortune 500 companies, Quennette Standford Taylor
Blogging mastery: analyzing the key strategies behind successful blogs, Michael Llamas
Board Gender Diversity, CEO Turnover, and Firm Performance in Entrepreneurial Firms, Matthew Imes, Mark West, Jessica West, and Shan Yan
Box Office Knockout: The Future of Theaters in an Industry Racing to Outpace Them, Jakob Stokes
Breathing: a story of lifelong learners’ relationship to the changing world, Cristina D. González
Building Pathways for Female Leaders’ Economic Empowerment, Mira Fadel, Hanhui Bao, Ailin Zhang, Tianshi Hao, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Bumpin’ into therapy: Planning for parental leave, Veronica Viesca, Parker Leukart, Amanda Rausch, and Whitney Molitor
Burnout for Online Therapists, Veronica Viesca and Parker Leukart
Can Online-Only Businesses Constitute Places of Public Accommodation Under Title III of the ADA?, Nicholas Conti
Certified impact: organization design for zero waste certification and its impact on organizational identity, Sumner Byrne
Chair Project, Josie Morgan
Chair Project, Kevin Ding
Chair Project, Sebastian Gonzalez
Chair Project, Skylar Campbell
Chair Project, Yuqian Shi
Challenges of early career school psychologists, Edyn Fion
Changing the narrative: a phenomenological study on the support and practices Black males received for the successful completion of urban area high schools in Los Angeles county, Victoria Lynn Waters
Chaparral fern gametophytes experience microclimates with more moisture and more moderate temperatures than fern sporophytes, Samuel Fitzgerald
Checking for ticks: Analyzing the efficiency of different tick collection methods, Peter Briggs, Lawson Trimmell, and Javier Monzón
China-Venezuela Relations in the 21st Century and a Proposed U.S. Policy Response, Noah Jackson
Christian Nukes: The Effects of Christian Ethics on Support for Nuclear Strikes, Jack Jogerst
Class: A Good Blend (Stepfamilies and the Church), Ron Deal
Class: All Cleaned Up and Nowhere to Go? (Baptism as Commission and Choreography), Jeff Childers
Class: All Days Are Not Equal (Standing in the Gap for Trafficked Children), Pam Cope and Rachel Johnson
Class: Angels and Revelation (On the Way to God’s Ultimate Goal), Larry Mudd
Class: Answering the Call to God’s Lost People, Shaun Dutile, Marci Dutile, Cody Balch, and Micah Balch
Class: A Restoration Movement (Bigger Than We’d Thought), Josh Ross and Jonathan Storment
Class: A Still Unfinished Reconciliation (Race Relations in Churches of Christ), Gary Holloway and John York
Class: A Symposium on Baptism and the Lord's Supper in Ministry, Stuart Love and D'Esta Love
Class: A Theologian and a Psychologist Walk into a..., Richard Beck and Mark Love
Class: Back to the Future (A Look at Daniel 7-12), Rick Marrs
Class: Baptism and Unity: Can You Have Both?, Doug Foster
Class: Bible Lectureships are Dinosaurs—Overcoming the Jaded Expectations of a Skeptical Fellowship, Jerry Rushford
Class: Blood Work (Redeemed, Reconciled, and Reminded by the Blood of Christ), Victor Knowles
Class: Can You Hear Me Now? (Learning to Listen to God), Rick Atchley
Class: Children’s Worship (What’s the Point and What Are Our Goals?), Lila Earwood
Class: Churches of Christ and Change, Lauren Cosentino and Patrick Mead
Class: Confident Leadership in Challenging Times (Five Essential Strategies), Randy Lowry
Class: Congregations Caught in a Vise (Revelation 1-3), Rick Oster
Class: Covenant in All Its Complex Diversity, Walter Brueggemann
Class: Early Christian Responses to the Roman Empire, James Walters
Class: Equipping the American Church to Serve a Global Mission: Setting Realistic Expectations (Strategy and Metrics), Dan Bouchelle, Mark Hooper, and Jonathan "JoJo" Ramos
Class: “Eucatastrophe!” says J.R.R. Tolkien (Why Tolkien’s Apocalyptic Vision Conveys Gospel So Well Today), Jeff Childers
Class: Evolution and Christianity (Are They Incompatible Worldviews?), Rodney Honeycutt
Class: Exploring Babylon (Urban Reality in America’s Cities), Larry James
Class: Feelings Idolatry (The Real Enemy That Is Destroying Us), Kinwood DeVore
Class: Financial Stewardship in a Depraved World, Winston Chong
Class: Footprints of the Divine (Seeking the Sacred Within Pop Culture), Craig Detweiler
Class: Funny How God Works...But He Does, Don McLaughlin
Class: Galatians, Randy Hall
Class: Gay Marriage, Islam, Zombies, and Liberals (How the Bible Quiets Our Biggest Fears), Jason Locke
Class: God, Gangs, and Glue (An Introduction to Kenya Street Ministry), Dusty Breeding and Cecily Breeding
Class: God's Brave New World: Dreams of Life as It Is Meant to Be, Bobby Valentine
Class: God’s Economics (Why We Should Make Poor Choices), Milton Jones
Class: God's Forever Family (Mark 3:31-35), Billy Curl
Class: God Shows Up When We Shut Up (7 Things I Learned From 30 Days of Silence), Chris Altrock
Class: Growing a Mobile Church (Out of the Building and Engaging the Community), Tim Blair and Lisa Blair
Class: Helping Hispanics Understand Christianity 101, Tom Allen
Class: In the Name of Jesus (Not Just Because We’re Nice People), Wyane Atkinson
Class: In Weakness Made Strong (The Power of Vulnerability for Strengthening and Sustaining Intimacy), Jaime Goff
Class: Is the Future Worth Imagining for Churches of Christ?, Brady Bryce
Class: Jesus Is Bigger Than That, Josh Graves and Sara Barton
Class: Knowing God, Randy Harris
Class: Lay Down Your Guns, Amanda Madrid
Class: Living Resurrection: Engaging His Story (A Meditative Experience in Scripture), Rhonda Lowry
Class: Look, Here Is Water! (Baptism in the Book of Acts), Kindalee Pfremmer DeLong
Class: Loves God, Likes Girls (Can You Be a Gay Christian?), Sally Gary
Class: Love Wins (Evangelical Universalism in the Churches of Christ), Richard Beck
Class: Love Your Muslim Neighbor as You Love Yourself (Exploring the Golden Rule in an Interreligious Context), John Barton, Keith Huey, and Saeed Khan
Class: Mega vs. Movement (Investing in the Few to Reach the Many), Charles Kiser, Julie Kiser, and Fred Liggin
Class: Mist (Reflections on the Brevity and Priorities of Life), Rick Atchley
Class: Operation Ecuador (Equip and Release), Joshua Marcum
Class: Preaching with Prezi (Reaching Visual Learners with Your Presentation), Shane Hughes
Class: Raising Resilience (Where Is God in This?), Connie Horton
Class: Reaching and Discipling Twenty-Somethings, Matt Dabbs, Eric Brown, and Charles Kiser
Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke, Ben Ries, and Aaron Metcalf
Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke, Mark Lowe, and John York
Class: Renewal for Restoration Churches (Seeking Hope for Christianity in North America), Jason Locke
Class: Resurrecting the Hermeneutics Discussion (Why It Is Still Crucial for Churches of Christ), Kelly Carter
Class: Revelation and the Witness of Christ, Greg Stevenson
Class: Revelation, Evil, and Suffering, Greg Stevenson
Class: Revelation, War, and the Language of Hope, Greg Stevenson
Class: Revisiting the Classics of Christian Spirituality, Harold Hazelip
Class: Revival 101 (How the Charismatics and Universalists are Radically Changing the College Campus, and Why I Absolutely Love It), Thomas Fitzpatrick
Class: Say What?! (The Disturbing Words of Jesus), Chris Seidman
Class: Seeing God in the City (Engaged Ministry on the Margins), Dwayne Lee and Kavian McMillon
Class: Sorting Out the “Mills” (What Does It Mean to Be Pre-Millennial, Post-Millennial, or A-Millennial?), John Wilson
Class: Speaking Christian (Breathing New Life into Ancient Words), Wade Hodges
Class: Spiritual Passport (From Diplomat to Bible College Director), Fred Bergh
Class: Sunday's Coming (The Joy [and Work] of Weekly Sermon Preparation), Rick Atchley, Randy Harris, and Chris Seidman
Class: Survey Says! (What’s Happening in Churches of Christ?), Dyron Daughrity
Class: The Bible Miniseries: Telling Scripture’s Story in Ten Hours (on the History Channel), Mark Burnett and Roma Downey
Class: The End in Graphic Terms (What Comic Books Get Right [and Wrong] About the Apocalypse)Class, Ron Cox
Class: The Happiness Project (Exceptionally Created for an Exceptional Life), Jason Darden
Class: The History of Bible Lectureships in Churches of Christ (A Centennial Reflection on these Annual Assemblies), Tom Olbricht
Class: The Idiot’s Guide to Theology, Randy Harris
Class: The Impact of the Pepperdine Bible Lectures (1983-2012) (Putting the Last 30 Years in Historical Context), Tom Olbricht
Class: The Importance of Holy Terrorism, Jeff Walling
Class: The Living Jesus Among His Churches (Revelation 1-3), Rich Little
Class: The Nature of God as Hermeneutic (When Magna Cum Laude Meets, Marries, and Ministers with Thank You Laude), Dick Blythe and Rhonda Blythe
Class: Theology and Science (What’s All the Fuss?), Chris Doran
Class: The Power of the Powerless: Second Corinthians and the Gospel According to Megan, Mike Cope
Class: The Red Thread Movement (Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery), Linda Egle and Brittany Partridge
Class: The Sacramental Presence of the Future in the Assembly, John Mark Hicks
Class: The Slaughtered Lamb (Revelation 5), Dave Clayton
Class: Transforming Lives, Nurturing Hope, Living Christ (Rescuing Street Children and Setting Them Among Princes), Hung Le and Corinne Le
Class: Transitioning Through Tribulation Towards Transformation (Imagining a New Today for the Church of Tomorrow), Chris Goldman
Class: Uppity Women of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Bobby Valentine
Class: Walter Brueggemann and Churches of Christ, Rick Marrs
Class: War in the Book of Revelation, Lee Camp
Class: When Our Hearts Condemn Us (Learning to Forgive Ourselves), Kevin Knight and Kris Knight
Class: Whose Praises Do You Sing? (The "Political" Hymns of Revelation), Kindy DeLong
Class: Why We Exist (The Reason Churches of Christ Came into Being), Lauren Cosentino and Patrick Mead
Class: Women in the Church: Three Difficult Texts, Carroll Osburn
Class: World Christian Broadcasting, Maurice Hall
Class: Worship, Work, and Women (How Scripture Shapes a 21st-Century Church), Carl Garrison, Amy Bost Henegar, Jason Isbell, Larry Mudd, Angel Reyes, and Tom Robinson
Class: Wrestling with Prayer (For Those Who Struggle with Prayer), Patrick Mead and Matt Elliott
Clausewitzian Theory Of War in The Age of Cognitive Warfare, Amber Brittain-Hale and Amber Brittain-Hale
Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction : tobacco regulation, economics, and public health, James E. Prieger, Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk, and Sudhanshu Patwardhan
Closing the Gap: A Literature Review of Gender Disparities in Higher Education, Morgan Purdy
Cognition: Sensation, Perception, and States of Consciousness, Eric B. Shiraev and David A. Levy
Collaborative Leadership in Disaster Mitigation Development in Australia, Chidimma A. Abuka
Concealment and Darkness in Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto, Alexandra G. Speck
Conclusion—Latinx Feminist Liberation Practices: Integration and R/Evolution, Lillian Comas-Díaz and Carrie Castañeda-Sound
Convening the climate pledge: a transorganizational development case study of Amazon's role as convener, Charles W. Billingsley, III
Coomassie Brilliant Blue Dye as a Method for Analyzing Fracture Markings in Bone, Abigail Hoffmeister, David Harutunyan, Matthew Aizawa, Everett Baker, Brandon Mendoza, Chase Freeman, and Siran Iskanian
Cover, Table of Contents & Masthead, Mariam Antony
Cover, Table of Contents & Masthead, Kateri Son
CREATIVE MINDS (Fail Better): Psychotherapeutic Approaches and Insights, Dennis Palumbo
CREATIVE MINDS: Psychotherapeutic Approaches and Insights, Dennis Palumbo
CREATIVE MINDS (Writers’ Block is Good News!): Psychotherapeutic Approaches and Insights, Dennis Palumbo
Criticisms of Evidentialism:A critique of Jonathan Way’s solutions to the issues of Evidentialism, Kailey Echeverria
Cultural Context Matters: An Examination of Remote Team Leaders from Brazil and the United States, Suelen Schneider Demaria, Mitchell Gurick, and Kayleigh Axtell
Cultural Influences of Leadership Curriculum: A Literature Analysis Between Western and Eastern Leadership Curriculum, Siyuan Chen, Zhi Yin, Tianshi Hao, Anshu Lal, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Cybersecurity—the human element, James McGibney
Dancing on the Knife’s Edge: Violence in the Christian Nationalist Rhetoric of Turning Point Faith’s Founder Charlie Kirk, Adian Imbrogno and Christina L. Littefield
Dayside Pulsating Diffuse Aurora and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, Thomas Lewer, Gerard J. Fasel, Maxwell Fargo, Ethan Swonger, S. Lee, Aidan Hulbert, Owen Bradley, Arman Manookian, Tommy Cleaveland, B. Yonano, John Mann, F. Sigernes, and D. Lorentzen
Death, Taxes, and Clean Energy: How the Inflation Reduction Act Harnesses Tax Law to Revitalize American Clean Energy, James A. Ferguson
Decentralized Dispute Resolution: Using Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Arbitration, Christoph Salger
Decentralizing Utopia: An Interpretive Ethnography of the Cultural Liturgies of the Catholic Worker Movement (Preliminary), Adian Imbrogno
Deep learning can be used to classify and segment plant cell types in xylem tissue, Reem Al Dabagh, Benjamin Shin, Sean Wu, Fabien Scalzo, Helen Holmlund, Jessica Lee, Chris Ghim, Samuel Fitzgerald, and Marinna Grijalva
DEFICIENT DIETARY FOLIC ACID AND SYSTEMIC DSP-4 INDUCED LOCUS COERULEUS LOSS ASSESSED AS NEURODEGENERATIVE COGNITIVE MODEL IN ADULT CB57/J6 MICE, Gabriel Kong, Aristotle Zeng, Theo Helm, Simon Khorani, Rohan Rampal, Smayana Kurapati, Riva Ranier, Aidan Schmidt, Maximilian Doane, David B. Green PhD, and Susan E. Helm PhD
Designing and evaluating a framework for assessing and addressing identity threat and integration as part of a merger and acquisition, Melanie Figler
Determination of the total energy budget of Hetaerina titia: application of a new analytical method to the study of seasonal and regional polyphenism, Conner Marsh and Kathleen M. Coates
Development of leader voice and leader silence scales: how and why leaders choose to remain silent or speak up during situations of workplace aggression, Katherine L. Dickins
Diabetes Management of Incarcerated Individuals: Is the Federal Bureau of Prisons Contributing to Worsening Diabetic Conditions?, Mariam Antony
Digital Coercive Control (DCC): The Role of Platforms in Victims’ (In)justice and Potential for Online Dispute Resolution, Reeve Lanigan
Disclosing Bisexuality as a Chinese Daughter: An Autoethnography, Laury Li
Dr. Linda's Comedy Marriage Boot Camp, Linda Watson
Drone Imagery of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Effects On Coastal Primary Productivity On Coral Reefs in Maunalua Bay, Hawai'i, Lulu Wang, Florybeth Flores La Valle, and Grace Kim
Economic Sanctions and Article V(2)(b) of the New York Convention: A Touchy Interaction Exacerbated by the Ukraine-Russia Conflict, Alberto Pomari
Editor's Note, Morgan Purdy
Effectiveness of Frog Skin Secretions Against UV-B Radiation, Connor McGaha, Kinkade McMurray, and Lee B. Kats
Effectiveness of Frog Skin Secretions Against UV-B Radiation, Connor McGaha, Kinkade McMurray, and Lee B. Kats
Effectiveness of Plastic Ordinances in Santa Monica, CA: Do regulations at the municipal level reduce plastic waste?, John W. Hayes
Eldercaring Coordination: The New Dispute Resolution Process to Address the Age-Old Problem of Old-Age, Fran L. Tetunic
Empowering Autistics to Reach Their Full Potential, Julie Kogura
Empowering Tomorrow's Mental Health Practitioners: Dismantling Power Imbalances and Fostering Student Well-being in Mental Health Training Programs, Veronica Viesca, Nikki Isbelle, Kim Nielsen, Andrew Flynn, and Jonah Oderberg
Ensnared Care: How Restrictive Healthcare Laws Impact Mothers, McKenzie Richards
Evaluating the impact of a work identity based onboarding intervention on young professionals’ work efficacy, Samuel Liberant
Examining the role of cultural capital in access and equity for female C-STEM learners of color, Tiffany L. Wright
Examining transformational leadership self-perceptions of current chief executive officers within executive peer advisory groups, Israel Passwater
Examining women’s persistence in stem: a mixed methods study of autonomy, competence, relatedness, and sociocultural influences on women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, Heather Midori Saigo
Exploring DISC attitudes toward organizational change, Christie Cooper
Exploring Photochemical Formic Acid Dehydrogenation via Iridium Halide Complexes, Lauren McWilliams, Kelsey R. Brereton, and David B. Green
Exploring teachers' mastery and use of Minecraft in the classroom a survey of the Minecraft teachers, Hae Ryung Rinpoche Kim
Exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on adolescent mental health: an integrative systematic review, Ruth Maouda
Exploring the perceived effects of online and hybrid learning on the experiences of students in Nigerian universities, Amaechi Ugwu
Exploring the potential connections and distinctions between the CEEing model and current approaches to diversity training, Desirae Mahs
Exploring the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and suicidality in college and university students: a systematic review, Tatyana Aposhian
Exploring the Relationship Between Evaluation Frequency and Monthly Fidelity Score on Provider Retention: A Longitudinal Study, Abigail L. Blackman, Troy Glick, Tricia Glick, Duane Jung, and Kerry Ann Conde
Faculty exodus from Africa: exploring the experiences of African academic diasporic faculty in the United States of America, André Crenshaw
Female Leadership Development: From a Non-Western Perspective, Mira Fadel, Zhi Yin, Siyuan Chen, Ailin Zhang, Tianshi Hao, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Feminist Liberation Practice with Latinx Women, Lillian Comas-Díaz and Carrie Castañeda-Sound
Feminist Liberation Practice with Latinx Women, Carrie Castañeda-Sound and Lillian Comas-Díaz
Fitting the Communication Forum to the Mediation Fuss: Choosing the Appropriate Communication Mode for Mediation in the Post-Pandemic World, Dorcas Quek Anderson
Flannery O'Connor's Why Do the Heathen Rage? A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Work in Progress, Jessica Hooten Wilson
Fostering a culture of belonging within women working in a hybrid environment, Jam Narte Harley
From command posts to corporations: applying United States Marine Corps leadership development to corporate organization development, Paul D. Gowin
From Hunch to Analysis: Risk Management in Tiered Dispute Resolution Processes, Troy L. Harris
From the boardroom to the laptop: an exploration of African-American women's journeys navigating the transition from corporate America to digital entrepreneurship, Nina Grace Shelby
From We to Me: Moving Towards an Examination of Self Identity in an Online, Global, Collaborative, Learning Environment, Danielle P. Espino, Eric Hamilton, Kristina Lux, and Seung B. Lee
Gamification as an Effective Method in Developing Leadership Skills and Competencies, Tianshi Hao, Ziyi Liu, Hanhui Bao, Siyuan Chen, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Gaseous product identification and kinetic analysis of solid/liquid reactions between alkali chlorides with nitric acid solutions, Kaitlyn Osborne and Jane A. Ganske
Give and you may receive: examining transparent leadership through the lens of leader-follower relationships, Edward J. Piecek
Give or Take—Is the Droit De Suite a Taking Without Just Compensation?, Jeremy Cohen
Giving silenced genes a voice: Activating epigenetically silent cancer genes using CRISPR-activation, Catherine Nguyen, Jessalyn Chen, and Jake Velen
Global workforce dynamics: a quantitative analysis of inclusion, retention, and performance across United States and Japanese cohorts in a multinational corporation, Cecil Wroton Johnson III
Godly Character(s): Insights for Spiritual Passion from the Lives of 8 Women in the Bible, Lisa Smith
Going Cashless: Privacy Implications for Gun Control in a Digital Economy, Liza Goldenberg
Great Books: Everyone's Inheritance, Michael Gose
Greetings, Andrew Mizell Burton
GSEP Research Symposium Proceedings - 2024
Hammer and Fire: Lessons on Spiritual Passion from the Writings and Life of George Whitefield, Lisa Smith
Heavens on Earth: The Scientific Search For The Afterlife, Immortality, And Utopia, Michael Shermer
Higher Levels of Neighborhood Disorder as an Indicator of Walking: A Study on African American Emerging Adults, Itzel Alvarez, Nataria Joseph, and Laurel Peterson
Historical Perspectives in Volatility Forecasting Methods with Machine Learning, Zhiang Qiu, Clemens Kownatzki, Fabien Scalzo, and Eun Sang Cha
How attachment influences self-image, Judy Ho
How I Turned Childhood Trauma Into A Life Of Purpose, Ariel McGrew
How Much Does It Cost to Operate Tiny Home Villages for People Experiencing Homelessness, Celeste Benitez, Cooper Conway, and Declan Maddern
How political elite leverage Twitter to polarize America, Woodson Morris Hobbs V
How Psychological Flexibility Helped Me Bounce Back – And How It Can Change Your Life Too, Ariel McGrew
How to Find Work for the Rest of Your Life, Charles Michael Austin
Human Capital at Home: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in the Philippines, Noam Angrist, Sarah Kabay, Dean S. Karlan, Lincoln Lau, and Kevin M. Wong
Hustlenomics: Defining the Hustle Economy, Sade M. Onadeko
Immigrant mothers: a testimonio, Brenda Garcia Castro
Impact of dietary nitrate dose on resistance exercise performance, Isabella G. Lincoln, Lauren E. Wideen, Justin M. Foster, and Rachel Tan
In film, I too sing, America: exploring the lived experiences of Black male filmmakers, Charles Opong
Initial Examination of Identity Development When Starting in an Online, Global, Collaborative, Learning Environment, Danielle P. Espino, Nastassia Jones, Kristina Lux, Lu Liang, Leah-Maria Gaskin, Eric Hamilton, and Seung B. Lee
Initiating change in care: socially assistive robots, Sooraj Sushama
Integrating Evidence-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Issues: A Systemic Review Approach, Veronica Viesca, Chantal Daley, and Parker Leukart
Intelligence, Eric B. Shiraev and David A. Levy
Interpreting Ethics Rules, Samuel J. Levine
In the Shadow of the Law: Applying Therapeutic Approaches to Sexual Harassment Conflicts in the Context of #MeToo, Michal Alberstein and Shira Rosenberg-Lavi
Introduction: Feminist Liberation Practice with Latinx Women, Carrie Castañeda-Sound and Lillian Comas-Díaz
Is Knowledge Power? Women’s Education and Political Empowerment in Latin America and the Caribbean, Zoe Swaim
Is the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Dispute Resolution a Viable Option or Wishful Thinking?, Samuel D. Hodge Jr.
Jarkesy v. SEC: Are Federal Courts Pushing the U.S. Toward the Next Financial Crisis?, Jennifer Hill
Job Incidence Numbers in Social Security Disability Claims: A Case Study and Analysis, Kevin Liebkemann
Judicial Fidelity, Caprice L. Roberts
Keynote: A Dream Worth Keeping Alive (John 17:1-26), Max Lucado
Keynote: Christ: God's Yes (2 Corinthians 1:18-22), Randy Harris
Keynote: Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:24-30), Rich Little
Keynote: Christ, the Mystery of God (Colossians 2:1-7), Monte Cox
Keynote: Do Everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:12-17), Mike Cope
Keynote: Heaven on Earth (Revelation 21-22), Rick Atchley
Keynote: In Him All Things Hold Together (Colossians 1:15-20), Rick Atchley
Keynote: Life in the Spirit of Christ (Galatians 5:16-26), John O. York
Keynote: Man of Sorrows— What a Name (Isaiah 53:1-12), Frank Pack
Keynote: Set Your Mind on Things Above (Colossians 3:1-11), Josh Ross
Keynote: The Christmas Story as You Rarely Heard It (Revelation 12-13), Randy Harris
Keynote: The Finality of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4), David Davenport
Keynote: The Living Jesus Among His Churches (Revelation 1-3), Rich Little
Keynote: The Slaughtered Lamb (Revelation 5), Dave Clayton
Keynote: The Throne Above All Thrones (Revelation 4), Fate Hagood
Keynote: The Triumph Song of Life (Acts 28:30-31), Jerry Rushford
Keynote: The Ultimate Failure of Evil (Revelation 6-11), Don McLaughlin
Keynote: The World’s Worst (and Best) War Story (Revelation 14-20), Mike Cope
Keynote: Two Houses in a Storm (Matthew 7:24-29), Jerry Taylor
Keynote: You Have Died With Christ (Colossians 2:16-23), Curt Sparks
La Manoeuvre in Diplomacy and Defence, Amber Brittain-Hale
Leadership in social service non-profit organizations: an interpreative phenomenlogical analysis of executive leadership high attrition levels and proposals for change, Stephanie Fredericka Wanza
Learning technology professors’ experiences with National Science Foundation (NSF) external grant funding in higher education, Mitchell Gurick
Legal Summaries of Administrative Law Cases, Keyana Young
Legal Summaries of Administrative Law Cases, Kimberly M. Papadantonakis
Letter from the Editor, Reeve Lanigan
Lingering Effects of the Class Ceiling on Leadership Development, Mira Fadel, Zhi Yin, Siyuan Chen, Kexin Zhang, Tianshi Hao, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Loneliness Among U.S. College Students During COVID-19: An Exploratory Analysis, Eunji Shin and Hangrui Tian
Loneliness in the Words of First-Generation College Students, Emily Sardaryan, Ellen Galstian, and Khanh Bui Dr.
Loneliness Rates among Undergraduates according to the National College Health Assessment from 2008 to 2019, Eunji Shin, Khanh Bui, and Joshua H. Park
Lost in ideology : interpreting modern political life, Jason Blakely
Machine Learning Prediction of Photoluminescence in MoS2: Challenges in Data Acquisition and a Solution via Improved Crystal Synthesis, Ethan Swonger, John Mann, Jared Horstmann, and Daniel Yang
Machines Like Me: A Proposal on the Admissibility of Artificially Intelligent Expert Testimony, Andrew W. Jurs and Scott DeVito
Maintaining the Magic: Utilizing Strategies for Change, Katherine B. Reyes, Angelique VanSky, Curtis Isozaki, and Christian Peralta
Making Conflicts of Interest Matter to Federally Funded Academic Research, Kimberly M. Papadantonakis
Making Deception Fun: Teaching Autistic Individuals How to PlayFriendly Tricks, Adel Naj, Megan St. Clair, Kacie Massoudie, Jonathan Tarbox, Lauri Simchoni, Marianne Jackson, and Angela Persicke
Mastering the void: the secret sauce of Black female leadership in the ivory tower, LaSchanda Johnson
Mathematically modeling how trapping regimes that target specific crayfish life stages impact removal efficacy, Rini Pattison
Mindset, Virtue Signaling and Volunteering, Corinne Novell, Steven Bauer, Alice Labban, and Yingfan Zhu
Modes of Fracture of Flat Bone: Fracture Direction and Stress, Nolan Wang, Mary K. Holden, Everett Baker, Nathaniel Lerch, and Nate Fitch
Motif and Repeating Forms, Kevin Yang
Motif and Repeating Forms, Meg Brown
Motif and Repeating Forms, Ninel Pinckney
My secret struggle: starving, purging, and numbing my emotions. An autoethnographic analysis of my lifelong battle with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, Hasmek G. Siwajian
Navigating Compassion For Limited Self-Awareness In A World Of Healing, Ariel McGrew
Navigating embodied self-awareness states to produce work-enhancing adaptive stress responses, Kristina Banfield
Network Evaluation of Influential Sensors: A Proposed Approach, John Mello and Kamryn Kamps
Not at the expense of me: best practices for Black women diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice practitioners in higher education, Brittney Michelle Elese Fink
Not "Indian" Enough: Freedmen, Jurisdiction, and Equal Protection, Ted Shepherd
Oh No, We're Moving, Devina Parker
Online Disinhibited Contracts, Wayne R. Barnes
On writing for screen and television, David L. Espey
Organizational Challenges: The Impact of Role Clarity on Burnout in a Technology Division, Jessica Arriaza
Organization change processes in U.S. Protestant churches: a comparative case study analysis, Leslie Mulder
Painting as Collage, Niccie Jamitkowski
Painting as Collage, Amiel Silbol
Painting as Collage, Hannah Shin
Partisanship "All the Way Down" on the U.S. Supreme Court, Lee Epstein
Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research 2024, Morgan Purdy
Perceptions of classroom technology use among adult English learners, Mandy Chien
Perceptions of peer kindness, parental understanding, and social isolation among adolescents in 84 countries, Luke Pontoriero
Performing Arts Session, Performing Arts Session
Photovoice as a reflective pedagogy for undergraduate community psychology students, Shereé Bielecki
Pirates and an Acadian Huguenot, Elizabeth Starkey
Planning an Educational Theatre Tour: Pepperdine University, Jacqueline Thornell
Poleward Moving Auroral Forms and Magnetic Reconnection, Gasia Excel, Gerard Fasel, Julia Johnson, Jordana Xu, Parker Para, Amiel Silbol, Rachel Rodriguez, and John Mann
Policy Implications and Recommendations Concerning the United States’ Non-ratification of International Human Rights Treaties, Kenzie R. Winton
Policy, Practice, and Perceptions of K-12 Social-Emotional Learning, Janice Filer, Ebony C. Cain, and Della Thompson-Bell
Practical Considerations for XR Technologies Implementation in the Elementary School Curriculum, Tracey Jackson, Oscar Valenzuela, Linda Lee, and Chloe Ford
Prediction of Future New Entrepreneurs Using Population Survey Data, Jackson Walker, Alfonso Berumen, and Fabien Scalzo
Prevalence, correlates, symptomology, and assessment of women with aquired brain injury as a result of intimate partner violence, Gillian Dowlou
Principal agency 50 years after the Lau decision: Building and sustaining bilingual education programs for Asian languages, Kevin M. Wong and Zhongfeng Tian
Principles of interpretation; the laws of interpretation treated as a science, derived inductively from an exegesis of many important passages of Scripture, Clinton Lockhart
Procedural Integrity in Applied Settings: A Survey of Training, Practices, and Barriers, Candice L. Colón, Abigail Blackman, and Santino LoVullo
Program: 2024 Featured Lecture, "The Simple Secret: Choosing Love in a Culture of Hostility", Joshua Graves
Promoting emergent literacy in preschool through extended discourse: Covert translanguaging in a Mandarin immersion environment, Robin E. Harvey and Kevin M. Wong
Promoting Value-Based Healthcare Decisions: A Case Study of Shared Savings Programs in New Hampshire and Maine, Christopher LaCreta and Lawson Mansell
Prosecutorial Storytelling Through Intrinsic Evidence, Brian Chen
Proteomic profiles of cytokines and chemokines in moderate to severe depression: Implications for comorbidities and biomarker discovery, Kathleen T. Watson, Jennifer Keller, Caleb M. Spiro, Isaac B. Satz, Samantha V. Goncalves, Heather Pankow, Idit Kosti, Benoit Lehallier, Adolfo Sequeira, William E. Bunney, Natalie L. Rasgon, and Alan F. Schatzberg
Psychological Disorders, Eric B. Shiraev and David A. Levy
Psychological safety during the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions-a U.S. healthcare context, Mary Jean Brown
Psychological safety within an agricultural hand labor harvest crew and its relationship to productivity, Thomas Draper
Psychosocial factors impacting identity development in biracial-biethnic youth: a socioecological analysis, Melanie S. David
Purpose doesn't pause : finding freedom from what's holding you back, Hope Reagan Harris
Quit Using Acquittals: The Unconstitutionality and Immorality of Acquitted-Conduct Sentencing, Brenna Nouray
Race and Religion: Gen Z’s Religious Participation Along Racial Lines, Zoe Swaim
Rancho Mirage (Postcard History Series), Leo Mallette
Realizing the Sustainability of Portfolio Assessment in Second-Language Writing, Pauline Mak and Kevin M. Wong
Rebuilding Trust in a Divided Community: An Integrated Approach, Shaphan Roberts
Recording: The Simple Secret: Choosing Love in a Culture of Hostility, Joshua Graves
Redefining the Diplomatic Stage: The Evolution of Feminine Foreign Policy in the Russo-Ukrainian War, Amber Brittain-Hale and Amber Brittain-Hale
Reducing HIV transmission for African American and Latino gay and bisexual men: an integrative systematic review, Brian Andrew Griffith
Reforming Special Education to Accommodate Students with Emotional Disturbances, Troy Collazo
Reimagining Higher Education, Jasmine Campos
Reimagining School Integration: Possibilities for the Future, Sarah A. Cordes and Kfir Mordechay
Religion and spirituality in psychotherapy: A personal bedrock of faith, Edward Shafranske
(Re)negotiating Asian and Asian American identities in solidarity as language teacher educators: An AsianCrit discourse analysis, Kevin M. Wong, Minhye Son, Wenyang Sun, Jongyeon Joy Ee, Samantha Harris, Jungmin Kwon, Khánh Lê, and Zhongfeng Tian
Resilience in the face of sexism: attracting, retaining, and promoting women and girls in STEM, Karin Karakhanian Moore
Retelling Korean folktales via miniature RC racing, Kevin Hong, Timothy Chen, Zoe Macarewa, and Jesse Cha
Rethinking interventions for dementia through a nonpharmaceutical lens: An analysis of five interventions, Denise Calhoun
Rethinking interventions for dementia through a nonpharmaceutical lens: An analysis of five interventions, Denise Calhoun
Rhythm and Balance, Madison Watanabe
Rhythm and Balance, Rachel Anderson
Rules of Bible study, Carroll Kendrick
Rural Water Testing and Cognitive Testing of Street-Connected Children, Annika Huckeba, Yasmine Dawson, Daphne Borowicz, Jennifer Mcmahon, Reese Yamamoto, Melanie Calderon Bernuy, and Megan Anderon
Saving the Nation: Chinese Protestant Elites and the Quest to Build a New China, 1922-1952, Thomas H. Reilly
Self Portrait, Zhiming Liu
Self-Talk and Self-Leadership: Advancing a New Application of Goleman’s Leadership Model for Counseling College Students, Liane Weintraub
Sexual abuse of children in China: consequences and Han culturally appropriate treatment, Na Du
Shades of Identity: Exploring the Impact of Skin Tone, Gender, and Racial Identity on Self-Esteem in African American Emerging Adults, Aniya Terry and Nataria T. Joseph
She Speaks for Millions: The Emergence of Female Diplomatic Voices in the Russo-Ukrainian War, Amber Brittain-Hale and Amber Brittain-Hale
Skull, Eden Reitnour
Southern California marine protected areas promote bolder fish populations, Lucian Himes and Florybeth F. La Valle
Southern California marine protected areas promote bolder fish populations, Lucian Himes and Florybeth F. La Valle
Still Life, Hannah Shin
Still Life, Amiel Silbol
Still Life, Haley Melchor
Still Life, Niccie Jamitkowski
Still Life, Grace Harvey
Still Life, Rachel Anderson
Still Life, Madison Watanabe
Still Life, Leah Cosgrove
Still Life, Emma Yu
Still Life, Grace Baek
Still Life, Joseph Song
Still Life, Zhiming Liu
Still Life, Audrey Hartono
Still Life, Diamond Brazile
Still Life, Maddie Davison
Still Life, Zhiming Liu
Still Life, Peter Briggs
Strategic framework for achieving successful sustainable tourism in Egypt, Maher Abdelwahab
Strategies and best practices for career advancement for female officers in the United States military, Kayleigh Axtell
Strategies for Doctoral Students to Publish Articles in Social Sciences and STEM: A Comparison Between China and the U.S, Tianshi Hao and Danielle P. Espino
Strategies for transitioning from a senior military leader to a civilian leader, Wallace Michael Mains
Structural Interventions for Intimate Relationship Therapy: Capitalizing on the Limitations of Telehealth, Veronica Viesca and Parker Leukart
Student engagement in model school math: a phenomenological study of student perspectives at a model continuation high school, James Robert Coles III
Studying the behavior of supersymmetric systems using binary arithmetic and computers., John Barrier and Kevin Iga
Success factors and challenges faced by first and second-year undergraduate female students in computer science-related majors, Oscar Navarro
Sustainable tourism development in Greece: a phenomenological study of municipal leaders, Panagiote G. Tsolis
Systematic review of the risks, consequences, protective factors, and treatment of infidelity for military couples, Maria Allyson Ayson
Table of Contents, Nicholas Conti
Table of Contents and Masthead, Sophie Nelson
Table of Contents & Masthead, Sophie Nelson
Table of Contents & Masthead, Sophie Nelson
Table of Contents & Masthead, Sophie Nelson
Table of Contents & Masthead, Reeve Lanigan
Textual Variants in Eudora Welty’s "A Piece of News”, Brooke Derrington and Abby Choe
The 3 C's of leadership, Jennifer Gayle Rogers
The Angel Wears Prada, the Devil Buys It on The RealReal: Expanding Trademark Rights Beyond the First Sale Doctrine, Junajoy Vinoya Frianeza
The art of online arbitrage: essential practices for third-party sellers, Jesse Llamas
The benefits of voluntary disorienting dilemmas for a transformational life: a grounded theory study in transformational learning, Rebecca Bamberger
The Bible in Questions and Answers, Frederick Louis Rowe and John Adams Klingman
The Churches of Christ in Owen County, Indiana, Alfred Thomas DeGroot
The connection between mental illness and prisoner recidivism: a study of the self-perceptions and perspectives of mentally impaired low-level non-violent male exoffenders, Sammie L. Stinson
The Crystallographic, Spectroscopic, and Theoretical Study of Square Planar Platinum Complexes with Varying Sterics and Electronics, Madelyn Brizzee, Milan Gembicky, Jake B. Bailey, Kelsey R. Brereton, and Joseph M. Fritsch
The Culturally Conscious Board: Setting the Boardroom Table for Impact, Jennifer M. Jukanovich and Russell M. West
The Development of International Law in Relation to Crimes against Humanity, Nikki Redelijk
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Major Depression, Chloe Nehme
The Effect of Child Care Programs on Women in the United States, Savanna Scott
The Effect of Study Music Tempo on Short Term Memory Retention in Reading and Verbal Comprehension, Payton Ballinger
The Effect of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Greenhouse Gas Production on a Coral Reef in Maunalua Bay, HI, Kylie Nichols
The Ethical Motive as Counter to Benatar’s Anti-Natalism, Eliot Cox
The examination of workplace well-being in the context of conversations on artificial intelligence, Haille Trimboli
The factors contributing to the perceived strength of female truck drivers, Carlinda Tabor
The Fundamental Right of a Safe Place to Call Home: Why the United States Immigration System Needs to Reform Its Response to Humanitarian Crises, Mackenzie Biles
The Gears of Success: Mastering Strategic Marketing Mechanics for Exponential Growth, Luke Phillips
The Great Race, Willard Bullock
The House That Brock Built, Bill Youngs
The Impact of the Syrian Civil War on its Education Sector, Talar Haidostian
The Importance of School Leadership Practices in Social-Emotional Learning of Elementary and Secondary Schools, Janice Filer Ph.D.
The "Inherent Powers" of Multidistrict Litigation Courts, Lynn A. Baker
The Latina career journey: experiences of Latinas in accounting, Alba Ruth Prato
The Legal Liabilities of Twitch, Amazon’s Livestreaming Subsidiary, Jean Fang
The long-lasting credibility: a leadership model for building trust in multinational companies, Suelen Schneider Demaría
The Meanest Thing He Ever Did: A Theoretical Analysis of “A Boy Named Sue”, Henry Scott
The Narrative of Trauma: How the "Last of Us" Portrays PTSD and Trauma in: "The Psychology of The Last of Us", Michelle Leccese
The New Elephant in the Room: Why All Professionals Need to Learn About Personality Disorders, Bill Eddy
The New Rules of Attachment: How to Heal Your Relationships, Reparent Your Inner Child, and Secure Your Life Vision Hardcover, Judy Ho Gavazza
The Nonexistent Speedy Trial Right, Colleen Cullen
Theory-Building and Tool-Building for a Science of Dysfunctional Political Discourse, Eric Hamilton, Marguerite williamson, and Andrew Hurford
The Past, the Future, or an Imitation: Jenny de Mayer and Home, Joshua Huchel and Evan Pallis
"The Patient" and My Patients, Dennis Palumbo
The Pepperdine Beacon, Volume I, Pepperdine Beacon
The Play’s the Thing: A Response to Judge Benjamin Beaton, Aaron J. Walayat
The Policing/Mediation Nexus: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Journey from Police Officer to Certified Mediator, Wendell C. Wallace
The Post-Dobbs Reality: Privacy Expectations for Period-Tracking Apps in Criminal Abortion Prosecutions, Sophie L. Nelson
The power of organizational purpose in customer engagement, Claudio Ludovisi
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Through the Lens of Liberal Feminism, Morgan Croshal, Elizabeth Kresse, Angelee Valdez, Nelly Figueroa-Herrera, and Rylee Gonzales
The Problem with Direct Collateral Review, Jaden M. Lessnick
The Procrastination Playbook for Adults with ADHD, Risa Williams
The reverse endowment model: increasing a business family’s philanthropic planned giving through private placement life insurance and dynasty trusts, Kristofer R. Gray
The Rise of ISIS: A Growing Threat to the World, Grace Ralstin
The State of the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Industry in California in 2024: Challenges and Policy Solutions, Noah Jackson
The Supreme Court, Article III, and Jurisdiction Stuffing, James E. Pfander
The Vilnius Summit: A Platform for Female Leadership and Flexibility in Europe's Security Infrastructure, Amber Brittain-Hale and Amber Brittain-Hale
The Word is "Humility": Why the Supreme Court Needed to Adopt a Code of Judicial Ethics, Laurie L. Levenson
Thinking about starting a franchise business? Think again, Carmen Cotei and Joseph Farhat
Too Much of a Good Thing? Exploring Affective Commitment’s Negative Impact, Cecil W. Johnson III
Toxin handling in human resources (HR) and its impact on burnout, Cecilia J. Lee
Trabecular Bone Failure Analysis Under Quasi-static Impact, Annika Huckeba, Carrie Saleeb, and Brittany Lam
Training in Trauma-Responsive and Anti-racist Telehealth: A Model for Behavioral Health Clinicians and Providers, Ritchie Rubio
Training in Trauma‑Responsive and Anti‑racist Telehealth: A Model for Behavioral Health Clinicians and Providers, Ritchie J. Rubio
Trust in integrated medical care using a population-based normative approach, Heather Summers
Understanding needs: facilitating faculty support for formal assessment processes in higher education, Terrance Cao
Unfairly Interchangeable: A Guide for Litigating the Alter Ego Doctrine and Proposal to Codify the Doctrine in California, Nazgole Hashemi
Unlocking Business Success – From Counseling To Entrepreneurship With Positive Psychology & Coaching, Ariel McGrew
Untitled, Grace Harvey
Untitled, Annabel Becker
Untitled, Ellie Hendren
Utilizing High Resolution Micro-Computed Tomography to Determine the Mechanism of Desiccation for Barnacles, Hassti Tirgardoon, Helen Holmlund, and Florybeth La Valle
Utilizing social media as an assistive technology tool for children with autism spectrum disorder, Meaghan Donahue
Veterans, providers, moral injury, and the integration of spirituality in clinical care, Claire Muldrew
Video Games as a Way to Facilitate Leadership Skills and Competency Development, Tianshi Hao, Zhi Yin, Siyuan Chen, Anshu Lal, Jesse Llamas, and Michael Llamas
Voluntary employee turnover and the engagement perception of responsibility, Troy Duerr
What are the conditions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations, given the recent social climate?, Angela Dixon Williams
What is a book: best practices for literacy specialists to engage K-5 students in reading, Cydnee Clarke Patterson
Who Let the Ghouls Out? The History and Tradition Test’s Embrace of Neutrality and Pluralism in Establishment Cases, Jake S. Neill
Why Districts Should have the Say: Comparing Teacher Merit Pay and Student Outcomes at the State Level, Heather R. Dougan
Women entrepreneurs' work-life integration and coping strategies in China, Susan Pattis
Women Police Chiefs: A Self-perception of Women Officers in Law Enforcement, Tianshi Hao, Jesse Llamas, Kayleigh Axtell, Anshu Lal, Michael Llamas, Mira Fadel, and Amor Roma
Women Police Chiefs: A Self-perception of Women Officers in Law Enforcement, Tianshi Hao, Jesse Llamas, Kayleigh Axtell, Anshu Lal, Michael Llamas, Mira Fadel, and Amor Roma
World Trade Organization Dispute Resolution and China: Is the System Broken, Flawed, or Working Exactly as Written?, Heather R. Dougan
X-Currents and Extreme Brightening Events, Abrielle Tio An Mei Wang, Gerard J. Fasel, Audrey Daucher, Makena Swenski, Andrea Black, John Mann, and Maame Osei-Tutu