
This quantitative study explored how different personality styles, using the dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance (DISC) personality assessment to address the concept of change. Specifically, the attitudes the four main DISC personality styles have toward change. The study aimed to contribute to the body of knowledge. There is a significant gap in the empirical research investigating DISC and change.

This study’s significance was to fill a gap in the literature in an area that has limited empirical research conducted. European and Asian countries do far more work on the front-side of change to ensure people are prepared for the change before the new process or policy is implemented. It is time to banish the high statistics of failed change initiatives to the past.

The main hypothesis of the study was that there are identifiable attitudes towards organizational change recognized by each of the DISC personality styles. This study used a non- experimental research design in the form of correlational research, which is customarily used in the social sciences. This method is commonly employed when there is a need to determine how strongly different variables are related to each other. In this case the researcher sought to explore whether if there is a relationship between the DISC personality styles and their attitude toward organizational change. Quantitative methods through the lens of constructive alternativisim were used.

The dependent variables were dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness for this research. The main independent variable measured was people’s attitudes toward change. This included areas such as how people navigate organizational change. Other variables included gender, age, position, and education.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Organizational change, Personality assessment

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Martine Jago

Included in

Psychology Commons
