Presentation Type
Presentation Type
Magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetosphere is one of the main mechanisms for the solar wind to transfer energy and momentum to the terrestrial environment. This process is assumed to be most effective when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is southward. Poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) have been identified in past studies as ionospheric signatures of magnetic reconnection on the dayside. The PMAFs occurring for the positive/(negative) IMF y-component first expanded westward(dawn)/eastward(dusk) before propagating poleward. This PMAF study presents a comprehensive set of events where the initial brightening moves through a pre-existing dayside auroral arc westward(dawn)/eastward(dusk) when the IMF y-component is positive/(negative) before moving poleward during the 0500-1200 UT (0800-1500 MLT) interval.
Faculty Mentor
Gerard Fasel
Waves Cafeteria
Start Date
22-3-2024 1:30 PM
End Date
22-3-2024 2:30 PM
Poleward Moving Auroral Forms and Magnetic Reconnection
Waves Cafeteria
Magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetosphere is one of the main mechanisms for the solar wind to transfer energy and momentum to the terrestrial environment. This process is assumed to be most effective when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is southward. Poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) have been identified in past studies as ionospheric signatures of magnetic reconnection on the dayside. The PMAFs occurring for the positive/(negative) IMF y-component first expanded westward(dawn)/eastward(dusk) before propagating poleward. This PMAF study presents a comprehensive set of events where the initial brightening moves through a pre-existing dayside auroral arc westward(dawn)/eastward(dusk) when the IMF y-component is positive/(negative) before moving poleward during the 0500-1200 UT (0800-1500 MLT) interval.