Heavens on Earth: The Scientific Search For The Afterlife, Immortality, And Utopia
"In his most ambitious work yet, Shermer sets out to discover what drives humans' belief in life after death, focusing on recent scientific attempts to achieve immortality by radical life extentionists, extropians, transhumanists, cryonicists, and mind-uploaders, along with utopians who have attempted to create heaven on earth. For millennia, religions have concocted numerous manifestations of heaven and the afterlife, the place where souls go after the death of the physical body. Religious leaders have toiled to make sense of this place that a surprising 74% of Americans believe exists, but from which no one has ever returned to report what it is really like. Heavens on Earth concludes with an uplifting paean to purpose and progress and what we can do in the here-and-now, whether or not there is a hereafter"-- From Amazon.
Publication Date
Henry Holt and Co.
New York
Biology | Psychology | Religion | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Shermer, Michael, "Heavens on Earth: The Scientific Search For The Afterlife, Immortality, And Utopia" (2018). Alumni Books. 139.