Dancing on the Knife’s Edge: Violence in the Christian Nationalist Rhetoric of Turning Point Faith’s Founder Charlie Kirk

Presentation Type


Presentation Type



Christian Nationalism, Turning Point USA, Woke, Wokeism




Political Science


This paper explores how Charlie Kirk, founder of the nonprofit Turning Point USA, discursively compounded his political orientations with religious storytelling to inspire reactionary political mobilization—which bears Christian Nationalist resemblances. Critical analysis of the Freedom Square Nights series launched in May 2021 at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, illustrates Kirk’s particularism. Kirk promoted “spiritual warfare” against the “dehumanizing” and “Satanic” tactics of the “woke left,” public educators, and marginalized identities that he believes threaten American society. He urged attendees to “demand the welfare” of their cities and “reclaim the country for Christ” by proscription and “political extinction(s).” Contrastingly, Kirk reminded listeners to desire “fruits of the spirit” and “proclaim the truth and expose the darkness.” The Freedom Square Nights launched Turning Point Faith, an initiative to embolden pastors to fight what Kirk called “the great reset,” a conspiracy-and-apocalyptic-laden narrative wherein COVID-19 existed as a smokescreen to effectuate an authoritarian communist state.

Faculty Mentor

Christina Littlefield

Funding Source or Research Program

Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative


Waves Cafeteria

Start Date

22-3-2024 1:30 PM

End Date

22-3-2024 2:30 PM

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Mar 22nd, 1:30 PM Mar 22nd, 2:30 PM

Dancing on the Knife’s Edge: Violence in the Christian Nationalist Rhetoric of Turning Point Faith’s Founder Charlie Kirk

Waves Cafeteria

This paper explores how Charlie Kirk, founder of the nonprofit Turning Point USA, discursively compounded his political orientations with religious storytelling to inspire reactionary political mobilization—which bears Christian Nationalist resemblances. Critical analysis of the Freedom Square Nights series launched in May 2021 at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, illustrates Kirk’s particularism. Kirk promoted “spiritual warfare” against the “dehumanizing” and “Satanic” tactics of the “woke left,” public educators, and marginalized identities that he believes threaten American society. He urged attendees to “demand the welfare” of their cities and “reclaim the country for Christ” by proscription and “political extinction(s).” Contrastingly, Kirk reminded listeners to desire “fruits of the spirit” and “proclaim the truth and expose the darkness.” The Freedom Square Nights launched Turning Point Faith, an initiative to embolden pastors to fight what Kirk called “the great reset,” a conspiracy-and-apocalyptic-laden narrative wherein COVID-19 existed as a smokescreen to effectuate an authoritarian communist state.