"Global workforce dynamics: a quantitative analysis of inclusion, reten" by Cecil Wroton Johnson III


Globalization has lowered geographic and cultural workforce boundaries by increasing global workforce diversity (Boitano et al., 2017; Ferdman et al., 2021; Güzel et al., 2021; Weiss & Wilkinson, 2018). Furthermore, societal revelations through health and social crises have called for multinational corporations to respond with representative workforce diversity (Banks & Harvey, 2020; Dixon-Fyle et al., 2020; Kim & Roberson, 2021). The convergence of globalization, global governance and public policy are factors of global workforce dynamics that reinforce the inevitability of workforce diversity and the necessity for the intentional creation of inclusive work environments (Mor Barak, 2022; Roberson, 2006). This quantitative, correlational study aimed to examine whether there is a relationship between inclusion, retention, and performance in a multinational healthcare company in two matched cohorts, one based in the United States and one in Japan. Furthermore, this study responds to the call for critical inclusion studies that seek to sharply inspect, via research, empirical organizational application and outcomes of inclusion and the impact of inclusion on the retention and performance of employees (Adamson et al., 2020; Roberson et al., 2017; Shore et al., 2018; Stoermer et al., 2016). Additionally, this study addressed the lack of research to determine if national culture impacts the inclusion of employees in different cultural contexts, as research has minimally considered national culture’s influence on inclusion and is primarily Western-focused (Gelfand et al., 2017; Roberson et al., 2017). The findings showed a statistically significant relationship between inclusion, performance, and retention, as well as a statistically significant relationship between country, inclusion, retention, and performance.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

International business enterprises—United States—Personnel management; International business enterprises—Japan—Personnel management; Employee retention

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Stephen Kirnon
