This series features exemplary undergraduate student research from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, including selected senior theses, honors work, research reports, data sets, and other academic and creative projects completed by undergraduate students in Pepperdine University's Seaver College.
Research from 2016
Root Hydraulic Conductance in Laurel Sumac Experiencing Severe Dieback in the Santa Monica Mountains, Natalie M. Aguirre, Avery N. Davis, Sarah B. Nelson, and Stephen D. Davis
Life, Liberty, and the Lack of Paid Parental Leave: Media Framing of Parental Leave in the United States, Marissa A. Baly
Using Koch’s Postulate to Identify the Causative Agent of Dieback in Malosma laurina During Historic Drought in California, Adriana J. Borges, Emily R. Pierce, Mariah K. Taylor, and Frida J. Morales
Using Koch’s Postulate to Identify the Causative Agent of Dieback in Malosma laurina During Historic Drought in California, Adriana J. Borges, Emily R. Pierce, Mariah K. Taylor, and Frida J. Morales
Nodes Alter Stem Mechanical Strength in Heteromeles arbutifolia, Gabriella E. Chan, Caleigh A. Howard, and Callie E. Shelley
The Effect of the Tapia Water Treatment Plant on the Growth of Lemna minor, Morgan Clark, Imani Goodman, William Ota, and Alora Yarbrough
Comparing the Electron Transport Rate of Nico%ana glauca and Encelia californica at Normal and Increased PAR, Carter Clinebell, Griffin Duvall, and Daniel Suh
Extensive Dieback in Malosma laurina in Coastal Exposures of the Santa Monica Mountains Associated with Unprecedented Drought in California, Gina S. Gilderman, Kaitlyn E. Sauer, and Gabriella N. Palmeri
Extensive Dieback in Malosma laurina in Coastal Exposures of the Santa Monica Mountains Associated with Unprecedented Drought in California, Gina S. Gilderman, Kaitlyn E. Sauer, and Gabriella N. Palmeri
Comparison of Nighttime Stomatal Conductance in Malosma laurnia and Encelia californica, Stephanie R. Kaplan, Jessica T. Gash, and Hannah H. Ziegler
Allelopathic compounds in Adenostoma fasciculatum leaves may inhibit seed germination of Ceanothus megacarpus, Olivia L. Le Sage, Shamiran C. Prater, and Christian M. Botello
Botryosphaeria dothidea impacts relative water abundance in Malosma laurina, Andrew Lozano, Michael Gribble, and Jared Delapaz
The Effect of Temperature on Root Nodulation and Growth in Glycine max, Brooke O’Neill and Katherine Kawachi
The Effects of Human Involvement: A Study of Transplanted Nassella pulchra in a Competitive Environment, Miranda Prints, Summer Ngo, and Taylor Purdy
The Effect of Water Deficit on Photosynthetic Properties of Salvia leucophylla, Brianna Scott, Theadora Ordog, and Alexis Lordi
Effects of Drought on Antimicrobial Properties of a Chaparral Indicator Species — Adenostoma fasciculatum, Andrew Shute, Jennifer Duff, and Salina Pearce-Harris
Research from 2015
Root Hydraulic Conductance in Laurel Sumac Experiencing Severe Dieback in the Santa Monica Mountains, Natalie M. Aguirre, Avery N. Davis, and Sarah B. Nelson
Fitness Parameters in Malosma laurina Seedlings Growing Near and Away from Invasive Brassica nigra, Natalie M. Aguirre, Agustin Vargas, and Phoebe Shin
Morphological Changes in Malosma laurina Due to Prolonged Drought in the Santa Monica Mountains, Grace S. M. Bae, Majie C. Foster, MaryElizabeth S. Stein, and Mariah K. Taylor
The Effects of Salinity on the Photosynthetic Rate of Limonium californicum, Adriana J. Borges, Elizabeth S. Chau, and Justine M. McKitrick
Effects of Drought on Malosma laurina Leaves, Suk Ho (Josh) Chang, Jingyi Chen, and Sarah B. Nelson
Seedling Resprouts of Adenostoma fasciculatum Between Wildfire Cycles are Promoted by Environmental Conditions that Mimic Fire-Like Environments, Lexe Evans, Teal Speece, and Stephen D. Davis
Effects of High Light Exposure on Photosynthetic Rate and Fluorescence of Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia, Alec Flores, Gina Gilderman, and Hannah Dario
Water Poverty in California’s Rural Disadvantaged Communities, Alyssa J. Galik
Extensive Dieback in Malosma laurina in Coastal Exposures of the Santa Monica Mountains Associated with Unprecedented Drought in California, Gina S. Gilderman, Kaitlyn E. Sauer, and Gabriella N. Palmeri