This series features exemplary undergraduate student research from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, including selected senior theses, honors work, research reports, data sets, and other academic and creative projects completed by undergraduate students in Pepperdine University's Seaver College.
Research from 2014
Ethnobotanical Promotion of Fibroblast Growth Using Yerba Santa Extract, Carletta F. Dobbins, Paige A. Sutherland, and Emily A. Woods
Ethnobotanical Promotion of Fibroblast Growth Using Yerba Santa Extract, Carlie F. Dobbins, Paige A. Sutherland, and Emily A. Woods
Coreopsis gigantea and Ice Plant Relationship on Point Dume, Lizzie Fichtner, McCartney Ruff, and Sean Hanson
Public Opinion towards Bicycle Lanes: The Case of New York, Wil Fisher
Leaf Mechanical Strength Corresponds to Tissue Water Relations in Twelve Species of California Ferns, Breahna M. Gillespie, Stephen D. Davis, and Jarmila Pitterman
Relationship between Dehydration Tolerance of California Ferns and the Mechanical Strength of their Stipes, Helen I. Holmlund, Jarmila Pitterman, and Stephen D. Davis
Planetary Heat Sink Uncouples Temperature Increase from Rising CO2: Climate Change Hiatus Explained, Monica Houweling, Megan Gavitt, and Jean Kim
Delivery and Pitch Type Alter Ground Reaction Forces in Baseball Pitching, Garrett Kass
Water Analysis of the Malibu Lagoon and Pacific Ocean, Emily E. K. Kelly, Jillian S. Unruh, and Maxwell K. Gamboa
Foliar Water Uptake and Resurrection: Mechanisms of Drought Tolerance in Eight Species of Ferns in the Santa Monica Mountains, Victoria M. Lekson
What You Can Do About the Negative Effects of Methane, JB Maza, Laurel Rodewald, and Ashley Thurmond
Measuring Water Potential Among Crassula ovata and Heteromeles arbutifolia, Monét McNally, Stephanie Yakupitiyage, and Jamille Lockhart
Flow-induced dilation of skeletal muscle feed arteries: relevance to exercise hyperemia, Brittni M. Moore and Jeffrey L. Jasperse
Initial Post-Fire Resprout Success of Q. agrifolia, J. californica, and P. racemosa in Sycamore Canyon, Frida Morales, Sawyer McGale, Drew Bowers, Zahra Madraswala, and Michael Mori
Relating Leaf Temperature on Malosma Laurina to Leaf Proximity From Soil, Brooks O'Hea and Kevin Morgan
Effect of Shear Stress Direction on Endothelial Function and eNOS Phosphorylation in Soleus Feed Arteries, Blanca B. Perez, Jay Brewster, and Jeffrey Jasperse
Enzymatic Activity in the Chorion for Hatching in the California Grunion, Emily R. Pierce, Vince V. Quach, and Karen L. Martin
Comparison of Photosynthetic Ability In Single and Double Palisade Parenchyma Leaves in Southern California, Vincent Quach, Ryan Sauer, Haley Smith, and Christian Wright
Correlation Between Freezing Sites and Xylem Vessel Diameter for Three Chaparral Species of the Santa Monica Mountains, Kaitlyn E. Sauer, Theodora V. Ordog, and Nicole A.P.M.K.O.M. Nakamatsu
Nutrient Return to Soil in the Santa Monica Mountains after Combustion, Taylor Brooke Shapiro, Antonia Freund, and Megan Chou
Elevation’s Effect on Malosma laurinais Leaf Size, Callyn E. Shelley and Nathan R. Gehring
Comparison of Downstream Cell Survival Responses in HUVECs and HLECs During VEGF Signaling, Haley M. Smith and Thomas Vandergon
VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 Expression as a Function of Jagged-1 Over-Expression in HUVEC Cells, Caleb Stubbs
Post-fire Recovery of Juglans californica in Sycamore Canyon: gas exchange performance of unburned mature and burned epicormic and basal resprouts, Taylor Stucky and Gabby Gurule-Small
Effects of UV-radiation on feeding behavior in Dendrobates tinctorius, Taylor S. Stucky and Arthur Garnica