This series features exemplary undergraduate student research from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, including selected senior theses, honors work, research reports, data sets, and other academic and creative projects completed by undergraduate students in Pepperdine University's Seaver College.


Research from 2010


Effect of Petiole-­to-­Branchlet Angle on Tensile Stress and Tensile Strength in Heteromeles arbutifolia, Matt W. Andrus, Anthony P. Lisankis, and Valen C. Anderson


Differences in hydraulic conductance (Kh) as a function of leaf area (KS Leaf) and xylem size (KS Xylem) in Encelia californica and Venegasia carpesioides, Tony Audin, Andrew Dudley, and Janel Gonzalez


Effects of UV Light on Local Stream Frog Behavior, John Buie, Eiichiro Uemura, Candy Hwang, D. Lee, Craig Sutter, Evan Mattiasen, Thomas Vandergon, Rodney Honeycutt, and Lee Kats


Tensile Strength of Malosma Laurina Leaves in Wet and Dry Conditions, T. Candelore, N. Despenza, L. Garrison, and L. Hinther


The Affect of Temperature on the Fluorescence of Heteromeles arbutifolia (Hollywood) in the Santa Monica Mountains, Patrick Y. Chisum, Adam S. Graham, and Arthur C. Sanders


A Comparison of the Tensile Strength of Leaves in Encelia californica in Canyon and Beach Species, Anna Chowaniec, Annie Lee, and Hayley Springs


Comparing Leaf Properties of Inland and Coastal Malosma laurina in the Santa Monica Mountains, Rosemary Busch Conn, Lauren Parker, and Brittany Sawrey


Root Tensile Strength in a Native and Non-­Native Species of the Coastal Chaparral Community, Jamie Elmquist, Andrea Lim, Amanda Scholl, and Amanda Vest


Post-­fire Alterations in Mechanical Strength of Leaves in Heteromeles Arbutifolia, Andrew Hair, Madeline DiLascia, Nick Novella, and Taylor Wurdeman


Effect of Fertilizer on Leaf Tensile Strength in Salvia Leucophylla, Tawny Lindahl, John Buie, and Eiichiro Uemura

Research from 2009


Carbon Dioxide Expulsion by Ceanothus spinosus in Response to Predawn Sunlight, Eian Carter, Jon Pauwels, and Brittany Wilkins


The Effect Of Hydraulic Lift In Quercus agrifolia On The Health Of Venegasia carpesioides, Kelly Donovan and Brittany Wagner


Measuring Water Use Efficiency in Large and Small Leaves of Malosma laurina, Caitlin Ishibashi, Dan Kaczrowski, and Evan Mattiansen


Soil Salinity and Stomatal Conductance on Chaparral Plants, Ron King, Lisa Malyak, and Kelly Rausch


The Effects of Light Intensity and Color Absorption of Diurnal Leaf Movements of Malva parviflora, Amy Lawrence, Ben Young, and Matthew Yarborough


Natural microorganisms’ effect on the growth of Lasthenia californica in post‐fire soil, Bryce Lindley, Taylor Miller, and Tyler Gibson


Comparison of UVA Absorbance in Sun and Shade Leaves, James Newton, Kevin Rivera, and James Kim

Research from 2008


The Effect of Fire Frequency on the Presence of Native and Nonnative Species in the Santa Monica Mountains, Bobby Boss, Simone Ross, and Taryn Thompson


Comparison of Post-fire Growth Rates between Elymus condensatus and Yucca Whipplei in Coastal Chaparral, Jae K. Chung, Andrew J. Ishibashi, and Francisco B. Sapigao


Foraging Preference by Wild Deer on Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) from Santa Catalina Island versus Malibu, Amelia I. Clark, Brett Smith, Courtney Smith, and Stephen D. Davis


Effects of Shading on Post-fire Seedlings of Laurel Sumac (Malosma laurina) in the Santa Monica Mountains, Anastasia N. Fry, Jennifer A. Sledge, and Drew A. Almodovar


Soil Moisture Adjacent the Roots of Post-fire Ceanothus megacarpus and Malosma laurina, Kristi Holly, Kelly Sayre, and Anson Snow


Growth Sequence of Post-fire Chaparral Resprouts in California’s Santa Monica Mountains, Iolana N. Kaneakua, Kelly L. Reynolds, and Luke S. Walsh


Stomatal Conductance of Malosma laurina in Frequently Burned and Non-frequently Burned Sites, Kamron A. King, Matthew T. Bender, and Stephen D. Davis


Physiological Performance in Full-Sun Vs. Shaded Post-Fire Malosma laurina Seedlings, Lindsey A. Murphy, David C. Valencia, and Catherine D. Drummond