This series features exemplary undergraduate student research from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, including selected senior theses, honors work, research reports, data sets, and other academic and creative projects completed by undergraduate students in Pepperdine University's Seaver College.
Research from 2020
Kulia I ka Pono: The Relationship Between Economic Development and Native Hawaiian Culture, Makana Elaban
Rhetoric of Conflict Towards A Schmittian Understanding of the Public Sphere, Colin Kubacki
Surviving a Batterer: An Ideal Policy Approach to Combating Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Samantha Molisee-Sherman
The Future of Voting in a Technological Era, Anne Mummery
Climate Refugees: Can States Survive the Changing Climate?, Caroline Sisson
Research from 2019
A Post-Fire Comparison of Resprouts to Unburned Malosma laurina Shrubs in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California, Anthony Joseph Adducci II, Sierra Jo Smith, and Dylan Jesse Waddill
The Impact of the Woolsey Fire on the Fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea, Juan Arguijo
Heteromeles arbutifolia associated Post-Fire Soil Microbiome Recovery and Respiration in a Chaparral Ecosystem, Gabrielle Boeger, Lauren Dedmon, Emma Thomsen, and Alexander Soloniuk
Comparative Fitness of Post-Fire Transplant Stipa Pulchra and Wild Stipa Pulchra in Competition with Avena Fatua, Ashley Bonin, Madison Cook, and Sara Head
Post-Fire Competition Between Native Ceanothus spinosus and Exotic Grasses, Katarina Carter and Nina Duchild
Carbon Dioxide Flux Rate for Cold Burn and Hot Burn Sites, Sophia Cheong, Alexander G. Grissom, and Grace K. Lank
Effects of Invasive Species on Post-Fire Ceanothus spinosus Seedling Establishment, Nina Duchild, Frank W. Ewers, and Stephen D. Davis
Physiological Performance of Ceanothus spinosus in Hot Burn and Cool Burn Sites, Rishi Gattu, Christian Hill, and Chris Kulpaca
The Presence of Fungal Pathogen, Botryosphaeria dothidea, in Post-fire Malosma laurina Resprouts, Georgiana Gibson, Sarah Parker, and Lauren Van Tress
Photosynthetic Response of Pentagramma triangularis to Summer Desiccation, Brandon R. Grinovich and Stephen D. Davis
Post-Fire Soil Microbiome Recovery and Respiration in a Chaparral Ecosystem, Mari R. Irving and Stephen D. Davis
Soil Respiration in Burned and Unburned Sites of the Santa Monica Mountains, Sydney C. Jones, Micah S. Kim, Sierra H. Ball, and Stephen D. Davis
Charter Schools at an Impasse: Evaluating America’s Charter School System, Katie Pope
Comparison of Postfire Seedling Recruitment of 2019 in Three Key Chaparral Species, Karagan Smith, Reid Furukawa, Brett Muramoto, and Stephen D. Davis
Seedling and Resprout Survival of Three Chaparral Species Following Woolsey Wildfire, Karagan L. Smith and Stephen D. Davis
A Survey of Post-Fire Chaparral Species’ Densities Using Point Quarter Sampling, Emma C. Stenz, Brandon R. Grinovich, Catherine H. William, Michael E. Gayed, Stephen D. Davis, and Grace Palmer
Post fire seedling and resprout survival of Melasma laurina, Matthew Sturtevant and Gil So
Research from 2018
A Comparison of Electron Transport Rate, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Light-Adapted Fluorescence, and Dark-Adapted Fluorescence Between Stipa pulchra and Pennisetium setaceum, Sydney Adams, Brandon Chuck, Agatha Heng, Amelia Vento, and Stephen D. Davis
A Comparison of Electron Transport Rate, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Light-Adapted Fluorescence, and Dark-Adapted Fluorescence Between Stipa pulchra and Pennisetium setaceum, Sydney Adams, Brandon Chuck, Agatha Heng, Amelia Vento, and Stephen D. Davis