Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Slava Ukraini: a psychobiographical case study of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s public diplomacy discourse, Amber Brittain-Hale
The HEADS-ED: a psychosocial screening for pediatric patients in emergency departments: a systematic review, Jessica Burns
An application of Lewin in a trans-pandemic world: a narrative inquiry in a case study with a suggested model for the future, Chandler Barksdale Ewell Caldwell
Learning through business unit failure: a study of individuals and mid-level managers, Corinna Calhoun
Effects of corporate cultural distance on private company M&A outcomes, Court Carruthers
The relationship between competency development and intent to stay at the middle management level, Miriam Hawk Chambers
A Systematic Review on the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Chronic Pain, Samantha M. Cohen
Exploring DISC attitudes toward organizational change, Christie Cooper
Recovery at work: seeking relief from toxic workplace behavior through the adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families model, Matthew D. DeVandry
Exploring cultural boundary spanning functions that bridge across national and cultural boundaries in MNCs, Tamara Downs
Psychological safety within an agricultural hand labor harvest crew and its relationship to productivity, Thomas Draper
Sexual abuse of children in China: consequences and Han culturally appropriate treatment, Na Du
Physical intimate partner violence of African American women: promising practices and pitfalls in treatment, Melissa Erinn Duncan
Strategies to influence meaning creation to address resistance in a change initiative, Rebecca L. Escobar
Women of color in higher education institutions: strategies to attain administrative leadership positions, Oghenemano O. Evero
Women of color in higher education institutions: strategies to attain administrative leadership positions, Oghenemano O. Evero
Did the psychological implications of COVID-19 influence employees to say, “I quit”, Lori Fay
The experiences of Spanish-speaking Latina immigrant mothers when participating in the individualized education plan for their children with disabilities, Veronica Ferrufino
Challenges of early career school psychologists, Edyn Fion
Factors driving enterprise adoption of blockchain technology, Matthew C. Foster
Shifting institutional paradigms to ignite organizational equity amongst African American professionals, Michael Fountain
A phenomenological study of the experiences and teaching strategies of private music instructors working with elementary school students, Ana Maria Fusu-Kommidi
The path to success in corporate America for ethnic minorities and underrepresented groups, Tina Garrett-Ragland
Reducing HIV transmission for African American and Latino gay and bisexual men: an integrative systematic review, Brian Andrew Griffith
She leads business education: a phenomenological study on the career development of female deans leading AACSB-accredited business schools in America, Rachel Staples Guettler
A systematic review of canine assisted psychotherapy for youth at risk or with mental health disorders, Hedieh Hakakian
Overcoming the space between us: a multi-disciplinary approach to bridge building, Kate Hanisian
Application of third-wave cognitive-behavioral interventions in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Emily Hanna
Transformational leadership strategies in U.S. public universities, Jason C. Hardman
Reasonable accommodation requests: fair evaluation and the role of decision makers, Mona Hawkins
Best practices utilized by school counselors in increasing Latino male college readiness, Robert Hernandez
Immersion as a lifeway: the cultural sustainment and humanization of Mandarin dual language immersion teachers, Helen Chan Hill
Leadership strategies for building high-performing faculty teams in technology-focused higher education departments, Liz Hollerman
Best practices of virtual learning for K-5 students, Bailey Hooper
A review of the effects of mindfulness meditation on chronic pain in older adults, Gregory H. Jacks
Autonomy and coordination: a field study, Jessica Kaufman
The new world of onboarding: a comparison of virtual and hybrid onboarding experiences, Hannah Kim
A global perspective on mindfulness-based interventions in schools, Rebecca H. Laff
African American coaches in athletics: a study of enabling and inhibiting factors impacting leadership success, Lamar Lawrence
Examining K-12 school leadership through a complexity theory lens, Mandi Lehnherr
Exploring the intersection of self-talk and decision-making, Chris M. Lewis
The use of dance and movement for the embodied healing of interpersonal trauma in women and girls: A systematic review, Catherine Xinyu Liang
Critical success factors of Latino entrepreneurs, Carlos A. Linares
Vocational tertiary education of young adults in Kenya: model development, Kristina Marie Lux
Effectiveness of writing interventions for the treatment of trauma: a systematic review, Melissa Maccarini
An evaluation of cultural integration and the malleability of socio-cultural constructs in global organizations, Sheri Mackey
Exploration and implementation of Seaport Manatee to relieve the supply chain congestion at California ports, Diane Wells MacLennan
Couple-based therapeutic interventions aimed at treating the individual and relational impact of childhood abuse, Megan A. Maguire
Exploring the potential connections and distinctions between the CEEing model and current approaches to diversity training, Desirae Mahs
Strategies for transitioning from a senior military leader to a civilian leader, Wallace Michael Mains
Family of origin influence on workplace dynamics: a qualitative study, Megan E. Malave
An examination of grief interventions with black and LatinX communities, Melissa Mares
Alaska native corporations: participation, purpose, and performance in for-profit indigenous businesses, Kimberly E. McGinnis
Evaluating the prevalence and dimensions of poetry interventions to enable change and transformation in organizations, Elizabeth Kathleen McGraw
A systematic review on anxious attachment and relationship satisfaction, Laura Mendez
Schizophrenia, expressed emotion, and relapse: a systematic review across cultures, Colin Meng
Childless African American women over 50 in the USA: a qualitative descriptive study, Robbie Roshyl Mitchell
A systematic review of the psychological effects of war on children from Croatia, Zaneta Mudrovcic
Marketization without marginalization? Approaches to integration in a dual enrollment magnet school, Shannon Mumolo
Social capital and leadership competencies of recent Kenyan immigrant leaders in the United States and Canada: relational, structural, and cognitive perception, Dorcas Cheruto Mworsho
Is online course-taking helping or hindering students with disabilities in U.S. community colleges?, Francisco Expression Narciso Jr.
Experiences and perceptions of bilingual Spanish-English Latinx clients and bilingual Spanish-English Latinx therapists in psychotherapy: a systematic review, Irvin I. Navarrete
Black midwives for Black mothers: ameliorating racial disparities in the quality of maternal healthcare, Kimberly Navarro
International students’ perception of the development of their digital academic writing identity based on their participation in an intensive English language program, Francesca L. Nesfield
Perceptions of college/university students on high school science and stem courses, Brian Park
Non-binary experiences in the context of gender dichotomization: a qualitative systematic review, Chyna (C.J.) Parker
Examining transformational leadership self-perceptions of current chief executive officers within executive peer advisory groups, Israel Passwater
What is a book: best practices for literacy specialists to engage K-5 students in reading, Cydnee Clarke Patterson
Women entrepreneurs' work-life integration and coping strategies in China, Susan Pattis
Give and you may receive: examining transparent leadership through the lens of leader-follower relationships, Edward J. Piecek
Dating violence in Latine LGBTQ+ adolescent relationships: treatment considerations, Tatiana Pinkley
A qualitative analysis of beliefs related to gender equality in the Church of Christ, Timothy J. Priestley
Emotional intelligence and teachers’ performance in the classroom in Cairo, Egypt, Wessam Refat
Workplace gender gap: generational differences in the narrative of women in the banking industry, Carly S. Riehle
A preliminary exploration of the workplace expectations of Generation Z amidst Covid-19, Elizabeth Robertson
Leadership development of physician-trainees, Julie Robinson
Evaluating the effects of organizational culture on post-merger integration, John M. Rose
Exploring Digital Portfolios and their Effects on Test Scores, Dithmar Kenneth Rualo
Achievement goal theory: achievement goals in predicting pre-competitive anxiety in athletes, Ysmara Sainz
Work life balance: organizational leadership and best practices to overcome burnout for female realtors, Carmen Sarkis
The impact of non-affirming Christian secondary schools on students who identify as LGBTQIA+: a phenomenological inquiry, Alexis C. Schneider
Resilience in early second career STEM teachers employed in public secondary schools, Donald Selway
Trust and psychological empowerment in global virtual teams: quantitative ethnography research, Yujung Seol
How technology mediated social learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: a phenomenological case study, Rashi Seth-Parmar
Exploring leaders' sensemaking of emergent global norms for open science: a mixed methods discourse analysis of UNESCO’s multistakeholder initiative, Lisa Cuevas Shaw
From the boardroom to the laptop: an exploration of African-American women's journeys navigating the transition from corporate America to digital entrepreneurship, Nina Grace Shelby
Coming to your senses: exploring the role of touch in physical and digitally immersive consumption experiences, Joy Shields
An examination of leading through change using Snyder’s hope theory and Lewin’s 3-step model, Scott E. Sorensen
The trickle-out effect of prioritizing well-being, Kelsey M. Stout
Characteristics of leadership of selected historical leaders in music education in the United States with an exploratory study of the explicability of these characteristics to modern music education leadership in elementary schools, Ashley Loren Stringfield