Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Shifting personal agency during transition from military to civilian workforce, Sara B. McNamara
Managerial perceptions of employee motivation, Caroline Kimrey McRee
The impact of a manualized parent psychoeducational program and parents' knowledge of social skills in youth: a pilot study, Leanne Mendoza
The impact of achievement motivation, job satisfaction and work-life balance among retail managers, Jeremy Daniel Metz
Successful mitigation of workplace violence against emergency department nurses: what hospital leaders are doing to accelerate progress, Judith A. Mikalonis
Best practices to reduce math anxiety, Karen Michelle Mitchell
Worry and rumination: a rationale for a transdiagnostic approach to treatment, Katya Naman
Qualitative analysis of emotion regulation as seen in Middle Eastern American psychotherapy clients, Jennifer Nehme
A small business case study of focused and distributed leadership hybridity in South Africa, Siphokazi Ntetha
"The Kingdom of God is at hand": an eschatological orientation to ethics in male-female relations, Falon Opsahl
College-aged Chinese Millennial consumers' interpretation of their overspending in the U.S., Wenyu Ou.
Protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder among second generation combat veterans, Carlos J. Perez
Developing a framework for open innovation, Taylor Pile
Coping, meaning-making and well-being amongst immigrants of non-European descent, Jem Powell
Corporate activism in the age of LGBT equality: the promise and limitations of the modern executive champion of LGBT rights, Nii-Quarterlai Quartey
A quantitative study measuring the relationship between mindset and psychological well-being among high achieving college-bound students attending private Christian high schools in Orange County, California, Leslie A. Radmacher-Smith
Lipstick on a pig: exploring the ethical sensitivity of Generation Z and their responses to greenwashed advertising through TARES, Josue Israel Ramirez
The relationship between the rates of job satisfaction and the degree of person-job value congruence for senior healthcare leaders, Benjamin Ritter
Integrating competency frameworks and goal setting in an individual development plan process, Farhan Rizvi
Use of stay interviews as retention tool for key talent, May Roberts
Homeschool parents' perspective of the learning environment:a multiple-case study of homeschool partnerships, Joseph Michael Sabol
Altruism in psychotherapy: altruistic acts as an adjunct to psychotherapy, Erin Santos
Learning analytics from research to practice: a content analysis to assess information quality on product websites, Sandra Sarmonpal
Acculturation, shame, and stigma towards mental illness among Asian Indians: a cross-national perspective, Soumita Sen
Elements of transformational learning in small groups of an Evangelical Christian church, Richard Simpson
Librarians leading change: informal learning spaces and the interception of public libraries and STEAM, Cheryl R. Small
The theory, process, and outcomes of culturally adapted psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions, Caitlin Sorenson
Coping and physical well-being among first, 1.5, and second-generation immigrants from of non-European descent, Jacob R. Stein
Communication, information, and knowledge in a coworking space, Chad Swaney
Working towards an inclusive and transparent public planning process in compliance with California's local control funding formula, McKenzie Tarango
Visual art communities of practice: cultivating support for beginning visual art teachers, Kristin Vanderlip Taylor
An examination of self-identity, sense of connection, and membership of individuals with Native American ancestry, Schyndel Tamara Van
Characteristics of global Thai leaders, William Vaughn
Common strategies and practices among facilitators of innovative thinking in organizations, Matthew D. M. Watson
How do organizations create and sustain vitality in a multigenerational workforce, Monique DeMarino Watts
Early identification of individuals at risk for initiating sexual assault: recommendations for college campuses, Rachel Weller
Fragments of being: Marc Jacobs & postmodern ads, Caitlin Cristin White
A study of the perceived value of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) accreditation by fashion students in fashion programs at public and private colleges, Cynthia R. Williams
Organizational assessment of diversity and inclusion, Linsday Flaming Yeats
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance in the pharmaceutical industry, Stephen A. Adamu
Effective practices of high school principals' leadership in developing traditionally underrepresented students' higher education and future career readiness, Vernita Lynn Adkins-Barlow
The development of therapy suggestions for addressing issues of creativity in individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Sean Agopian
Leadership styles in Saudi Arabian universities: comparison based on educational background, Sultan Ahmed Alalshaikh
Examining trainee therapists' use of recommended counseling strategies for facilitating posttraumatic growth in psychotherapy with clients who have experienced trauma: a qualitative analysis, Renée Marie Sloane Alas
TF-CBT with the pediatric medical population: a modification, Hussah Talal Al-Kharafi
Employee training to increase efficiency in the Saudi private sector, Megren Abdullah Altassan
Investigation of the Multidimensional Well-Being Assessment (MWA) in a sample of African Americans, Gera Anderson
Leadership traits of long tenured youth ministers in Churches of Christ, Gregory Anderson
Parent engagement and community organizing with Latinos: a qualitative grounded theory study of an urban community, Christopher B. Arellano
Grit attitudes demonstrated by school superintendents in California urban school settings, Andrea Elena Arias
Supervision, clinical training, personal growth and the values of novice clinicians, Lauren Armstrong
Rebuilding trust in community colleges, Seher Awan
Cognitive knowledge, attitude toward science, and skill development in virtual science labratories, Mahya Babaie
A phenomenological study of certified public accountants' perception of ethics in the accounting profession, Arthur Baghdasarian
A phenomenological study of how biblical spiritual disciplines influence women's character and leadership practices in Christian faith-based institutions in higher education in North America, Kristin Michelle Bailey
Screenwriters of color: unheard stories of race, class, and culture in mainstream media, Andrea Kathrina Cecilia Montero Baltazar
How do highly engaged employees and managers find meaning in their work?, Bruce Barkis
Drivers of engagement for volunteers in a nonprofit, Katherine Bates
Mobile apps for cognitive restructuring: a review and comparative analysis, Natasha A. Beck
The influence of personality on innovation: a phenomenological study, Brianna Bendotti
Importance of effective leadership for the success of mergers and acquisitions, Ken Berkow
Leadership influence on aviation safety culture inculcation as it relates to Certified Non-scheduled Air Taxi Operators, Stephen Birch
Appreciative inquiry as a resource for positive change in a church ministry, David Blenko
Black degrees matter: a phenomenological study of Southern Californians with HBCU bachelors' and mainstream institutional graduate degrees in California, Kenya Kirklen Cobb Boykin
An exploratory study of the role of the human resource information system professional, Sapora L. Bradley
The obstacle is the way: elective stress for spiritual growth, Dusty Lee Breeding
When women win: prominent leadership traits that contributed to the successful election of women in California, Diandra Simone Bremond
Recruiter perception of online accounting degrees, Tammie Lynn Burkhart
#BlackLivesMatter: creating an online discursive structure, Nicole Veronica Bush
Innovative pedagogy: what are the best practices of professors in STEM, leadership, or professional programs who integrate literature?, Anita Marie Cal
Social support communication behavior, anxiety symptomatology, and marital satisfaction among distressed couples, Xiao Shirley Chen
A correlational study comparing the relationship between school leader intercultural development, selected demographic variables, and student achievement, Patricia L. Claar
Organizational success: how the presence of happiness in the workplace affects employee engagement that leads to organizational success, Kevin K. Claypool
A strengths-based intervention for African American student-athletes experiencing stress (S.I.S.T.A.S.): development of a stress management workshop, Ashley Elizabeth Coleman
A qualitative study on the preferred working environment of Southern California secondary teachers with experience in both a district traditional school and a district charter school, CoriAndré Cerise Crane
Student transitions into full-time virtual high school setting, William Crocket
Tinkering in K-12: an exploratory mixed methods study of makerspaces in schools as an application of constructivist learning, Ashley Cross
Gender equality and authenticity: a study of women in IT leadership, Samantha L. Dewalt
Best practices and strategies used by church leaders to mitigate and prevent burnout among church volunteers, Katie Donihoo
Preparation and instructional competency needs of the new dental hygiene educator: a phenomenological study, Kelly Donovan
Coding while black, Kai Ajala Dupe
Rethinking workplace learning in the digital world: a case study of Open Badges, Bertrando Sharen Linn Eaglen
Intergenerational ontology & leadership: uniting the multigenerational workforce, Gabrielle Ellerbrock
Meaning-making, transcendent well-being, and collective well-being among first, one-and-a-half, and second-generation immigrants of non-European descent, Jennifer F. Esfandi
Advancing the practice of authentic leadership among professional women: a qualitative phenomenological investigation, Jane C. Felt
Seeking social capital and expertise in a newly-formed research community: a co-author analysis, Christine E. Forte
Perceptions of knowledge sharing within hybrid learning environments: as iron sharpens iron among graduate students, Makeisa Gaines
U.S. national identity enacted internationally: a response to the 2010 Chilean earthquake, Camille Gamboa
Best practices and strategies for financial literacy in faith-based organizations, Debra A. Gates
An assessment of factors relating to high school students' science self-efficacy, Jakeisha Jamice Gibson
Succession planning relating to the Millennial generation in private four-year universities, Stephen Anthony Gilbert
Developing a supplemental resource for trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapist working with black American adolescents, Anthea A. Gray
Perceptions of women leaders in a Catholic Archdiocese: a phenomenological study, Lorelei Greene