Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The role of courage in female leadership, Aliah Aljowaie
How effective entrepreneurs bring success to their organization, Muath Khalid Almansour
Challenges for women academic leaders to obtain senior leadership positions in higher education in Saudi Arabia, Shroog Alsubaihi
Best practices to establish susccesful mobile health service in a healthcare setting, Kathy M. Andrews
Welcome home: a manual for the loved ones of returned combat veterans, Corrine Barner
Internship directors' perspectives on psychological assessment training: current status and emerging trends, Shannon Bates
Strengths-based treatment of substance use disorders: a critical analysis of the literature, Jennifer A. Berg
Effective online lectures: improving practice through design and pedagogy, Terry Lane Bese
Best storytelling practices in education, Calvin Bonds
Academic accommodations for college students with psychiatric disabilities: recommendations for disability service staff, faculty, and clinicians, Joelle I. Broffman
Healing from historical trauma for persons of African ancestry in the United States: an African centered psychology approach to wellness, Elizabeth Burke-Maynard
The fragmentation of self and others: the role of the default mode network in post-traumatic stress disorder, Aldrich Chan
The next generation of leaders in law enforcement: critical characteristics, competencies, and professional experiences, Johnny C. Chanchang
Best practices of affinity groups in independent schools, Cindy P. Chun
International policy experience: short-term international travel courses in structured degree programs, Kirk Marshall Clayton
Impact of an organization identity intervention on employees' organizational commitment, Tami Cole
A comparative study of leadership skill requirements across sales, human resource and finance functions, Ronald P. Conlin
Essential entrepreneurial and innovation practices of executive leaders in California education service agencies, Karen M. Connaghan
The neurobiology of groupthink: a qEEG approach to the study of followership, Angela A. Deulen
A qualitative study of general education teachers' perceptions of special education students' attendance at post-secondary education institutions, Abraham B. de Villiers
Exceptional leadership in exceptional times: perspectives and ideologies of special education directors in Southern California, Tangela R. Diggs
Barriers to career advancement: Asian Americans in the U.S. aerospace industry, Rahul Dixit
Common leadership strategies and practices among authentic senior leaders, Michael G. Ehret
Active engagement in professional trade associations and career outcomes: an exploratory study of Latina career women, Elena Einstein
Critical considerations on interpersonal impact for next generation professional services leaders: a case study, John L. Evans Jr.
Internship directors' perspectives on emerging trends in psychological assessment training and practice, Angel Faith
College access: a case study of Latino charter school students and their K-16 pathways, Victoria Faynblut
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs in the classroom: teacher use, equity, and learning tools, Derrel Fincher
Planning, implementing, and evaluating manager-as-coach programs in business: a Delphi study, Katie Lea Frazier
Best teaching strategies and practices of session directors in the Especially For Youth program, Traci Garff
Driving employee engagement through greater purpose, Mark R. Gasta
Mindfulness in the workplace: an analysis and plan for improving corporate wellness in a multi-national food and beverage company, Ingrid S. Greene
Effects of the protective factor social support and risk factor of cocaine abuse/dependence among racially diverse female survivors of sexual victimization, Carissa L. Gustafson
African American gay male entrepreneurs: a study of enabling and inhibiting factors impacting entrepreneurial success, Floyd H. Hardin III
A phenomenological investigation of small-business closure in California: an examination of the leadership process, Theresa Robinson Harris
A comparative analysis of middle level teacher preparation and certification in California, Rodas Paula Hart
A comparative analysis of middle level teacher preparation and certification in California, Rodas Paula Hart
A comparative analysis of middle level teacher preparation and certification in California, Rodas Paula Hart
A comparative analysis of middle level teacher preparation and certification in California, Rodas Paula Hart
Change management for small business leaders, Lora Elizabeth Higdon
Relationship between emotional intelligence and the ability to influence, Tammy Hong
The Cambodian diaspora: empowering communities in homeland through non-profit work, Sunny Im
Leaders' roles in creating and sustaining collective genius, Tanya L. Jones
Integrative behavioral couple therapy for intercultural couples: helping couples navigate cultural differences, Caroline Kalai
Self-perceived cognitive decline, neuropsychological functioning, and depressive symptoms in HIV+ Spanish-speakers, Ahoo Karimian
Dialogue: a case study, Debra Milburn Kelley
Supervisory alliance and countertransference disclosure of social work trainees, Payam Kharazi
Social media and social support: a uses and gratifications examination of health 2.0, Lydia Sunnie Kim
Employees' experiences and perceptions of work gamification, James Klasen
Cross-sector social partnerships: a qualitative research study of partnership governance, Lizbeth Landon
Factors affecting educator participation in professional development activities through the use of a microblog, Angela Larson
The neuroscience of fear and anxiety: a primer for clinicians, Lionel Lee
Evaluating a new plant startup in the rigid plastics packaging industry, Carmen Lehner
Leadership styles and psychological capital in a home improvement organization, Mark C. Leonard
Forty-three African American women executives' perceptions of challenges and required capabilities to become a leader, Lysa Liggins-Moore
Preparing future leaders in higher education: excellence practices from staff to mid-level management role transitions, Erica Sherese Little
Measuring effectiveness of a culture change through a financial model perspective, Robert Lo
Themes in therapy with emerging adults : a qualitative study, Brian Louie
Themes in therapy with emerging adults: a qualitative study, Brian Louie
Espoused and practiced stakeholder engagement in support of corporate social responsibility within the United States healthcare sector, Jacqueline J. Macias
A study of postsecondary competency-based education practices in the context of disruptive innovation theory, Christopher Mallett
Accountability in mixed-generation teams, Angela D. Martin
Norway leads the world in gender equality and work-life balance: a qualitative life course study of Norwegian women, Lene Karine Martin
The impact of organizational culture on individuals' decisions to join, stay, or leave an organization, Maryam Marzara
The impact of coaches' training on implementation of the linked learning approach, Elizabeth McKinstry
STEM-themed schools: a case study of its effect on student educational pathways, Monika R. McKnight
The major supporting mechanisms for successful single working mothers, Toia Thompson Mengesha
The supervisory alliance and psychology interns disclosures of clinically relevant events in supervision, Mark Ian Miller
Strategic school solutions: a capacity building framework for leaders accelerating 21st century teaching and learning, Alessaundra D. Mills
Promoting resilience in Latino/a youth: an examination of resilience research and its implications for the developmental outcomes of U.S.-born Latino/a youth, Darlene R. Moreno
The disparity in a free appropriate public education: minority parents and access through advocacy, Melissa E. Moxley
A professional development on Autism Spectrum Disorders for special education teachers, LaShunda Murphy
The effect of change capability, learning capability and shared leadership on organizational agility, Majed Najrani
Modification of the "gold standard"? leadership selection from an attachment lens: a critical analysis., Rebecca Pearlstein
Making history and overcoming challenges: the career pathways and career advancement experiences of female provosts in the California State University system, Sevetlana S. Pirjan
Stages of faculty concern about teaching online: relationships between faculty teaching methods and technology use in teaching, John H. Randall
Crossing the tracks: a qualitative phenomenological study of an urban inner city charter high-school, Yuliya Reznikova-Eisenberg
Engagement drivers impacting productivity in highly engaged teams at CHG Healthcare Services, Kevin S. Ricklefs
HUD culture and how it affects employee job satisfaction, Nicole Robinson
Student loan debt implications for Hispanic students who have graduated from college, Eric Rodriguez
Corporate real estate: strategic and leadership challenges, Robert G. Schuur
Perceptions of leadership behaviors and innovation by Saudi Arabian police directors in the Mecca Region, Abdullah Mohammad Shafee
CyberPAL: a mobile resource for cyberbullying, Beverly S. Shieh
Constructivist learning environments in digital storytelling workshops: an interview with Joseph Lambert, Elizabeth Shin
An exploration of gender identity and gender roles within the context of Latinas' military service, Sandra Vargas Slater
Social media and social learning: a critical intersection for journalism education, Elizabeth R. Smith
The use of micro-blogging for teacher professional development support and personalized professional learning, Saress Ellerbe Smith
Emergency room nurse burnout, Brian Thomas
OD practitioner values and the impact on environmental behavior, Arielle Threlkeld-Sullivan
A qualitative study into the inner leadership of transformative California school principals, Conrado Tiu
The work-life balance of female adjunct faculty at Southern California community colleges, Jennifer Triplett