Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A phenomenological study: personal criteria for emancipated foster youth entering college, Christina Acoff
Armenian American leadership in Glendale, California, USA, Armond Aghakhanian
Is the college-ready teaching framework related to student achievement?, Narciso Aguda
Teachers' beliefs about creativity in the elementary classroom, Dina Aish
Nurse educators' use of technical simulators in nursing preparation, Janet Baghoomian
Trainee therapist responses to the discussion of trauma in therapy, Courtney Bancroft
The effect of using a workplace fitness center on employees' nutrition and fitness behaviors, Valarie Bartelme
The exit interview: Millennials' perspectives on why they quit, Hannah Bateman
Program evaluation of Western Illinois University's English language learner online module, Marisa Beard
Views of student engagement among students and faculty in online courses, Amy Elizabeth Berger
Golf as a tool for executive leadership development, Dawnet Beverley
Examination of food choice motives: the influence of an innovative, interdisciplinary learning community related to environmental sustainability, Kelly J. Billingsley
Emerging perceptions and perspectives of Filipino American middle school students, Ronald S. Buenaventura
Factors affecting members' retention in Toastmasters International, Eleuterio Salvador Buquiran
A qualitative study of familial factors that contribute to a positive coming out process, Michael P. Burnias
Finding the right fit: multiculturalism and low-income urban schools, Grace Shin Won Kim Canada
The role that mentors play in women's work life balance, Rhonda Allison Capron
Understanding the significance of reward and threat triggers : practitioners' perspectives, Ashley Carson
Characteristics of transformative listening enacted by organization development practitioners, Marco Cassone
Impacts of expatriates' international experience on self-identity, Mandy M. Chan
Critical competencies needed for successful outside sales managers: a delphi study, Christie Cooper
A guide for mental health practitioners working with collective trauma victims from Latin America: an experiential approach, Melissa Cordero
Self-concept and recovery : the effects of stigma on survivors of sex trafficking, Pamela Alquitran Counts
Improving disaster response collaboration using trans-organization development, Lacey M. Croco
Generation Y workplace needs and preferred leadership styles, Melissa C. Cruz
The extent of the use of data-driven instruction techniques in middle school instruction, Scheherazade Dedman
Attachment style and perceived stress in college students, Jason Dorin
How online communication and social media networking are used in alcohol use treatment, Susan Finley
Educator perceptions of digital game-based learning in the instruction of foreign languages in Japanese higher education, Stephan J. Franciosi
Religious coping and perceived stress in emerging adults, Gila Frank
Emotional intelligence and racial identity's impact on academic achievement in American multiracial high school students, Mary Ann Freeman
Determining the effects of employee trust on organizational commitment, Ron Freund
Implementations of technology enhanced personalized learning: exploration of success criteria, concerns, and characteristics, Rodney P. Gallagher
What are the necessary skills for leading an online business in Saudi Arabia?, Ahmmad Abbas Garatli
Exploring the influence of academic technology professionals in higher education, Stephanie Glick
Recognition and response: early literacy in an inclusion-based preschool program, Irene Gonzalez-Castillo
Overcoming the threat of racial stereotyping in the workplace, Jeremy Lamar Gray
Stress relief in the workplace, Jenny Gumm
Student engagement in an online course and its impact on student success, Angelique C. Hamane
The use of cognitive behavioral therapy to address shame in binge eating disorder, Lauren Harb
Career technical education instructors' perceptions of adult students' academic ability in career technical education classes, III Atlas Helaire
Dual language learners in Head Start: examining teaching strategies that promote English language development, Dawn Hendricks
Top ten effective community college board trustees self-perceived leadership attributes, John Newell Henning
Twenty-one leadership responsibilities and quality management in the context of educational Baldridge systems, Kimberly L. Ibach
Bridging collaborative gaps: appreciating intergenerational strengths, Juliet Irwin
What motivates management consulting leaders to collaborate with competitors?, Katie G. Jackson
Impact of senior leader touch points on high potential employee engagement and retention, Louise Keefe
The construct of self within a multicultural context: a critical analysis, Amy Kim
Student therapists' use of self-disclosure with clients who have experienced trauma, Krista Kircanski
Identifying best practices and collaboration opportunities within a nonprofit supporting trafficked and prostituted women, Jennifer D. Larsen
Helping students succeed in college: the role of a first-year seminar, Kurt Laudicina
Exploring community college students' and faculty members' perceptions on academic dishonesty, Donna Lesser
Father involvement in an elementary school: a case study, Elena Levine-Melendez
How did they do it? : a phenomenological study of successful women entrepreneurs in Salt Lake City, Ann Mackin
Impact of an appreciative inquiry intervention on compassion fatigue among social services workers, Marta MarĂa Maegli
Experiences with formal and informal support: a case study of a female-to-male transgender individual, Jessica Magallanes
Performance and leadership in multiplayer online gaming, Timothy Joseph Magner
The evolution of a learning organization: the evaluation of corporate learning groups in a knowledge management effort, Karen Ann Kearns Manz
BTSA program directors' perceptions on the relationship between components of mentor assessment and effectiveness, Patricia Sheehan Maricich
An exploratory study of the lived experience of Japanese undergraduate EFL students in the flipped classroom, Jeffrey Gerald Mehring
Massively multiplayer online games as a sandbox for leadership: the relationship between in and out of game leadership behaviors, Sean Henry Veloria Mendoza
Manager influence on collaborative change initiatives, Ron Milam
Best practices and attributes of bicultural leaders, Shefali Khandhar Mody
The evolution and impact of the massive open online course, Rolin Moe
A qualitative study determining the parenting styles and strategies most commonly utilized by Mexican American parents in fostering leadership traits in female adolescents, Sarah Geshti Morad
The multidimensional wellbeing assessment: preliminary validation in an Iranian sample, Nicole Moshfegh
Identifying criteria for a new MBA program model: a qualitative study of MBA stakeholder perceptions of 21st century management and leadership, Christopher Arthur Najera
The alignment of response to intervention with the Common Core State Standards for English language arts, Charles Newman
Leveraging the power of social media to maximize organizational learning and drive performance, Camilla C. Nguyen
Impacts of brief mindfulness training, Jodi K. Nielsen
Work environment preferences of Los Angeles Generation Y contract managers in the defense and aerospace industry, Santor Nishizaki
A quantitative study measuring the relationship between student mindset, parent mindset, and anxiety, Matthew R. Northrop
Baby boomers and digital literacy: their access to, and uses of, digital devices and digital media, Richard John O'Keeffe
Independent school entrance testing as a predictor of student academic success, Nan V. Papenhausen
A case study of the implementation of iPads with high school students at two charter high schools in southern California, Margaret Alice Matthews Pettit
The assessment of alcohol use disorders among homeless men in residential treatment, Stacy L. Pike
The future of physician leaders: a study of physician leadership practices, Lynn M. Pregitzer
Individual sense of efficacy, collective teacher efficacy and student achievement in high achieving and low achieving urban public schools, Stephanie Richardson
The role of micro blogs in workplace learning: the #lrnchat phenomenon, Christina A. Ritchie
Designing an instructional intervention using karaoke to develop key reading skills, Travis James Ross
The journey of female cancer patients or survivors while striving for personal work-life balance, Stacy Rothberg
A resource manual of bullying intervention programs for parents, educators, and community officials in the Los Angeles area, Angel Michelle Roubin
Developing a model for understanding mindfulness as a potential intervention for obsessive-compulsive disorder, Steven I. Rudoy
Counseling with Iranian-Americans: a critical review of the literature, Crystal Saidi
The need for greater integration in philanthropy in multiparty social change efforts: a case study of Portland's collective impact initiative, Helen Marie Scalise
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and completion rates: are self-directed adult learners the most successful at MOOCs?, Amanda Sue Schulze
The moderating influence of core self-evaluation, emotional intelligence and extraversion on career success, Alexander David Sevilla
The moderating influence of core self-evaluation, emotional intelligence and extraversion on career success, Alexander David Sevilla
Student perceptions of a mobile augmented reality game and willingness to communicate in Japanese, Andrea Misao Shea
Female solo entrepreneurs: a phenomenological study, Kimberly J. Shediak
Examining the state of the field and possibilities for collaboration in organization development, D. Wade Shows
Changing the world through servant leadership, Michele Anne Spain
Exploring the role of emotional intelligence in the effectiveness of lead church planters, Emily J. Spivey
Drum circles as a team-building intervention, Jason J. Stubbers
A cross-generational narrative examination of women's career journeys, Natalie Swann