Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Leading under pressure, coping practices of executives: a mixed methods study, Darlene Thomas
Work-life balance strategies of women leaders within the Church of God in Christ, Shaunte' Toston
The effect of advanced educational pursuits on re-entering the workforce following a modest period of unemployment, Charles J. Trayser Jr.
Virtual school teacher's science efficacy beliefs: the effects of community of practice on science-teaching efficacy beliefs, Phuong Pham Uzoff
iLeadership: the leadership style of Steve Jobs, Christopher J. Valentine
Ethnic differences in delusional content in schizophrenia: a comparative analysis of delusional symptoms in individuals of white European descent and Latino descent, Jessica A. Valluzzi
Gear up: what difference does it make?, Jeremy Valentino Villar
A cultural confluence: approaches to embedding cultural insights and inclusion throughout the marketing process, Carol Anne Watson
Leadership behavior practice patterns' relationship to employee work engagement in a nonprofit that supports the homeless, Valerie Denise Williams
The psychometric utility of the drug abuse screening test among treatment-seeking, homeless men, Brittany N. Winters
Reflection in the screen: the perception and value of self-awareness within the IT professional, Laura Woodward
Analyzing discourse in fan fiction communities for evidence of writing instruction, Hue-An Wren
Psychological care for type 1 diabetic adolescents: designing a new model of integrated care, Stephanie R. Young
Leadership and decision making of successful Iranian American, Farshid Zanjani
Leadership and decision making of successful Iranian American, Farshid Zanjani
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Factors affecting student retention at one independent school in the southwest, Dan R. Ahlstrom
Perceptions of executives from seven selected companies of the use of social media in marketing practices, Abir Alameddine
Emotional intelligence implications on the career advancement of women in a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, Shawn D. Andrews
Economic mobility behaviors due to earned income tax credit policy: a case study of a southern California population, Eugene J. Anton
Building a sustainable learning and development culture through communities of practice, John Atwood
Change from the inside out in Tanzania: investigating change in a nonprofit organization in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, through participatory action research, Katherine N. Balk
Called to lead: an examination into the phenomenon of calling, Hughie Jackson Barnes
"Doing it the right way" a qualitative study of the development of corporate social responsibility among U.S. Fortune 500 global companies, Denise D. Berger
Clinical intake interviewing: proposing LGB affirmative recommendations, Sharon Birman
The organizational culture and leadership values that impact Native American water utility organizations, Carole L. Boerner
Disrupting aviation: an exploratory study of the opportunities and risks of tablet computers in commercial flight operations, Matthew Boyne
The effects of cooperative learning on student achievement in algebra I, Travis D. Brandy
New site administrators' perceptions of their role in school community partnerships, Denise Calvert-Bertrand
A descriptive study of the key leadership characteristics of mid-level managers in the business divisions at a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC), Kevin Michael Caporicci
Beyong bullying: a holistic exploration of the organizational toxicity phenomenon, Deirdre H. Carlock
Influence of grassroots groups to affect educational change, Delia Castillo
Knowledge management and the retirement workforce in theme parks, Carim Castro
The essential leadership and management skills of mid-level managers in non-profit organizations, Vicki L. Clements
Sense of community in post-secondary online blended courses: importance of, opportunities and implications for course development, Christina Cleugh
Signs and symptoms of moral injury in female Vietnam veterans: a qualitative examination of the NVVRS, Alison H. Conway
Expressions of social support: a qualitative analysis of psychotherapy with clients who have experienced trauma, Celine F. Crespi-Hunt
Preliminary evaluation of a girls' empowerment program: the effects of dance on self-esteem and body-image, Shelly M. Crosby
Staying the course: grit, academic success, and non-traditional doctoral students, Theodore Martin Cross
Use of technologies for American expatriate training, Christine S. Cruz
The role of a facilitated online workspace component of a community of practice: knowledge building and value creation for NASA, Bradford Thomas Davey
Examining the effects of leader social intelligence on employee engagement, Josh Dazel
Systems thinking and six sigma: exploring an integrated model for quality management, Robertson Marlene Derian
Best practices in integrating acquisitions, Suzanne Dickinson
Exceeding expectations: key strategies to increase high school graduation rates, Shannon Dick
The relevance of historically black colleges and universities, Renee Felicia Dorn
Ethical leadership as an enabler of organizational culture change, Hames Marsha Ershaghi
Workplace conflict: a phenomenological study of the types, processes, and consequences of small business conflict, Clare Fowler
Leadership competencies for effective hospital chief executive officers and chief medical officers in Mexico, Muñoz Alejandro García
Photography as a spiritual technique, Laura Elizabeth Garza-Meza
Comparative analysis of corporate culture in a multinational organization, Don G. Gilman
A case study examining the career academy model at a large urban public high school, Howard Ho
Evaluation of an expatriate program at a US-based multinational corporation, Victoria J. Hurlock
The effects of public school music education programs on leadership in the workplace, Lawrence Michael Jacobson
Native American women leaders' use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for work-life balance (WLB) and capacity building, Crystal C. Jensen
Overcoming the industry driven barriers to the creation of black independent film, Tara R. Jiles
Teacher and parent perceptions of classroom experiences of African American male students in a high school alternative program, Kimberly C. Johnson
The relationship of individual therapy to depressive symptoms among treatment-seeking homeless men, Adam Joy
Development of a preliminary scale of counterproductive experiences in supervision: attitudes of experts in clinical supervision, Heleya Kakavand
Sex offenders' perceptions of mandated group treatment, Ashley Knipp
Morally injurious symptomatology: a qualitative examination of the NVVRS, Douglas Stewart Kraus
Maintaining adolescent sobriety with equine assisted psychotherapy: an experiential learning intervention guide, Elizabeth Jane Ledbetter
Japanese expatriate youth and developing peer relationships in U.S. schools, Jinsoon Lee
The relation between mindfulness and perceived self-efficacy towards coping with negative affect in recovering alcoholics, Christopher Jay Link
Locus of control, self-efficacy, and spiritual coping style among members of alcoholics anonymous, Michelle D. Linquist
Latina/os leaving legacies: the experiences of California community college leaders, Vinicio Jesús López
Development of a preliminary scale of counterproductive experiences in supervision: attitudes of clinical psychology internship directors of training, Chelsea Taylor Lucas
Leaders and the importance of the manager-staff relationship, Richard Martin
Key to effective leadership development for western multinational companies in Japan in the eye of the beholder, Yoshiharu Matsui
Standing out: the influence of organizational culture and cultural values on a manager's willingness to meaningfully differentiate employee performance, Mercedes McBride-Walker
Intrinsic conflict between management and leadership, Dean Walton McCall
Clinician conceptualizations of post-migration refugee youth previously exposed to political violence, Sara Michele Mehrabani
Leadership traits and characteristics of elected California women political leaders, Ennette Y. Morton
Motivation in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a systematic review of theoretical and empirical literature, Quinn Neugebauer
The supervisory alliance and trainee disclosure of clinically relevant events in supervision, Ayala Ofek
Expressions of cultural worldviews in psychotherapy with clients who have experienced trauma: a qualitative study from a terror management perspective, Christopher Ogle
Linking self-concept, social comparison and academic achievement in preadolescents, Leola Lanette Oliver
Measuring teacher self-efficacy using English language learner shadowing as a catalyst for implementation of two instructional strategies to support the academic language development of long-term English language learners, Michelle D. Owen-Tittsworth
Professional learning communities as a reform: implementation, complications and implications for secondary site leaders, Jennifer Lynn Padilla
Healing historical trauma in Native American communities: a liberation psychology approach to wellness, Francesca L. Parker
Founder succession in small businesses, Mike Parkhurst
Why doctors lead multidisciplinary prostate cancer clinics: a grounded theory study of leader motivation, Lisa E. Perrine
In search of a practice: large-scale moderation in a massive online community, Sheila Saden Pisa
Cultural attributes and retention strategies within millennial-founded and millennial-run companies, Mary Price
Motivation towards learning perceived in Socratic seminar versus traditional lecture, Benjamin N. Roberson
On humor and healing: a qualitative analysis of expressions of humor in therapy with clients who have experienced trauma, Rebecca Rutchick
What characterizes and impacts student transformational learning in a community college work placement context, Sharon Schaff
Principals' post-observation feedback and its influence on teacher professional growth at two southern California Catholic high schools, Dalys A. Stewart
An effective model of developing teacher leaders in STEM education, Heidi Sublette
Positive deviance during organization change: researcher's social construction of expanded university goals, Claire Euline Sutherland
Applied experiences of the SOAR framework by association management and foundation executives, Steven Wayne Swafford
Effects of improvisation techniques in leadership development, Farnaz Tabaee