Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Identity as the foundation for change in school systems, Amy E. Scalia
Parental substance abuse and adulthood mortality in treatment-seeking male veterans with combat-related PTSD, Kerri E. Schutz
Retention and advancement of African American women into senior leadership positions in high technology companies, Odetta Scott
The board and CEO: an analysis of roles, relationships, and performance expectations in Christian school governance, Lorynn K. Selby
Intimate partner violence and group therapy: the voices of Latino men, Rogelio Serrano
Leading a successful change effort at the school level, Sindy Samantha Shell
Evaluation of the Youth Development Project: a school and community based intervention program for at-risk youth, Mike Sherman
Identifying the challenges and support needs of Baby Boom mothers middle managers, Audrey Sloofman
Cultivating 21st century competencies in a virtual worlds learning environment, Terry K. Smith
How executive coaches use the results of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to develop their coachees, Dave Stachowiak
I am here - are you there? Sense of presence and implications for virtual world design, Vicki Suter
Interdisciplinary authentic assessment: cognitive expectations and student performance, Jenni M. Taylor
Teachers' perceptions of professional learning communities in public schools on Saipan, Jessica Yumiko Sakairi Barcinas Taylor
A qualitative program evaluation of a structured leadership mentoring program at a large aerospace corporation, Romney P. Teller
Influence of social support and intimate partner abuse in African American mothers' substance use, Shaquita Tillman
Listening to the voices of preschool aged children experiencing homelessness: a qualitative approach, Maureen Turner
A comparative case study of microfinance organizations serving Los Angeles County, Melinda Louise Valente
The effectiveness of knowledge sharing and collaboration in creating high performance work teams, Gelder Susan Van
In search of best practices: a case study of a volunteer-led nonprofit organization's failure to deliver aid, Leah Weiner
A systemic perspective of stress in emergency medical personnel: emergency medical technicians and firefighters, Rob W. Wennerberg
Acceptance promoting and hindering interactions in Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy, Laura D. Wiedeman
An untold story: African American women founders of private and charter high schools, Sharon Wilson
Examining the impact of the cultivation of presence on autonomy, Hai Wright
Nonprofit capacity: a comparative case study of capacity building in community-based organizations, Valerie K. Wright
Dying and cultural meaning: recommendations for psychological support of Korean Americans, Jung Yi
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
How women of color conceptualize and cope with their history of childhood sexual abuse: a preliminary investigation, Michele Archambeault
Indian psychology: the connection between mind, body, and the universe, Sandeep Atwal
Executive coaching and personal brand: coach training, coach mastery, and client satisfaction, Heather Backstrom
Extending the benefits of alcohol and drug treatment: an exploration of volunteer utilization and delivery of recovery services, Leonard L. Bade
Students' perspectives on university web site usability: an evaluation, Jesus Bautista
Understanding the end user perspective: a multiple-case study of successful health information technology implementation, Bardia Behravesh
The differences in information seeking behavior between distance and residential doctoral students, Maria E. Brahme
Social skills training: a parent education program for culturally diverse parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nicole Brown
Family experiences with accessing information, social, and resource supports as participants in services for their special needs child over three years of age, Joannie Busillo-Aguayo
The relationships among social exchange, organizational citizenship, and employee behavior, Gordon Carter
New CEO's personality and leadership styles as measured by the traits of age, education, and prior experiences and their effect on the firm's performance, Stanley Wonkoo Cho
Patients' perspectives on eating disorder treatment: a resource for practitioners, Danielle L. Davis
The social, political, economic, and legal aspects of affirmative action admission litigation from 2002-2007 from five universities, Douglas V. De Mars
Post-evaluation of an entrepreneurship porgram [sic] for inner-city youth, LaRon Doucet
An examination of succession management in organizations during times of economic crisis, Jacqueline S. Fairney
Assessment of education for sustainable development in universities in Costa Rica: implications for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jairo H. Garcia
The act and impact of whistle-blowing on the Los Angeles Police Department, Deborah A. Gonzales
Common experiences of courage among executives associated with merger cultural integration, Jeanette C. Kephart
Examining the appropriateness of nonverbal measures of intelligence with deaf and hard-of-hearing children: a critical review of the literature, Martha S. Cook Klassen
Coaching preferences of Generation "Y", Kevin C. Knight
Positive psychology and the Jewish holiday calendar: a resource manual for small groups, Tami Krichiver
Leadership alignment within a safety culture change process, Nicholas P. Krump
Tensions in a Nepali telecenter: an ethnographic look at progress using activity theory, Jeffrey Chih-Yih Lee
A qualitative exploration of courage, Jetter Alizabeth Lord
A study of efficacy and professional development among alternatively-certified teachers in Arizona, Carlyn Ludlow
Perceptions of required leadership behaviors for nurse leaders as measured by the leadership practices inventory, Shelly Lummus
Evaluation of admissions criteria and practices with regards to successful online learning styles and characteristics, Karen A. Magner
Leadership behavior impact on employee engagement, Michelle J. Marquard
Terra Australis Incognita during the Age of Exploration: a window into the changing European world view, Adam Aaron Marshall
Sustaining school achievement in California's elementary schools after state monitoring, Molly McCabe
A study of African American student retention and persistence at Los Angeles City College in Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS), Kalynda Webber McLean
Intersection of gender, race, and poverty: a study of wisdom through Ida's eyes, Mona Mikael
A study of the Physical Fitness Test in relation to demographics, academic achievement, and students' physical fitness perceptions, Karen Mobilia-Jones
Training leadership teams to impact performance outcomes: an exploratory case study, Foster W. Mobley
An analysis of California community college budget policy key components in multicollege districts, Kindred Murillo
Cultural diversity in the expression and experience of positive well-being among homeless men enrolled in a residential treatment facility, Pernilla Anne Nathan
Current practices for teacher leadership development within Christian schools, Daisy U. Nwokorie-Anajemba
Identifying adults' paths to discovering career passion, Shannon Philip
Superintendent professional development, LaFaye McFarland Platter
Psychologists' use of, familiarity, and comfort with Alcoholics Anonymous slogans in psychotherapy, Sarah L. Randall
Gender role expectations in the financial services industry, Carla Rocha
Managing community college adjuncts in the 21st century, Karen Lynch Scott
Multigenerational employee engagement strategies within the credit union industry, Dana Simpson
Utilization of the brief symptom inventory with homeless men: a convergent validity study of the depressive symptoms, Valerie Sims
Job satisfaction and locus of control in an academic setting, Bonni J. Stachowiak
Leading edge technologies in a community college library setting: identifying disconnects of academic libraries and their users, Theresa C. Stanley
Pathways to the doctorate degree: a phenomenological study of African American women in doctorate degree programs, Luciana Janee’ Starks
An examination of the correlation between ninth grade mathematics grades and student performance on the mathematics portion of the California High School Exit Examination, Andrea Lynn Steffan
High school students' perception of career technical education and factors that influence enrollment in programs at a regional occupational center, Laurie M. St. Gean
A study of the emotional quotient of nursing managers compared to the outcome of an employee opinion survey, Beverley Turner
Prenatal psychic experience: a psychoanalytic systematic exploration of the emotional life of the fetus, Joseph H. Turner
Exploring generative change, Terry VanQuickenborne
Latina university professors, insights into the journeys of those who strive to leadership within academia, Sandra Jeannette Vasquez-Guignard
Egg recipient parents' evaluations of parent-to-offspring disclosure scripts, Danielle Penny Vorzimer
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A qualitative analysis of client expressions of meaning in psychotherapy, Alexander Michael Bacher
Reputation versus reality: the impact of US News and World Report rankings and education branding on hiring decisions in the job market, Fausto D. Capobianco
Concordance between therapists' self-reports and observers' ratings of adherence to marital therapy, Arlene A. Cruz
Success strategies of high achieving women: a qualitative phenomenological investigation, Leslie Ann Evans
Religious affiliation and hiring practice: a case study of Concordia University Irvine, Marc Fawaz
Parental involvement and the developmental stages of writing: knowledge and skills to assist children and parent perceptions on their experience, Elena Fernandez-Kaltenbach
A clinicians' guide to integrating mindfulness into evidence-based practice: a common elements approach, Lara Fielding
Gender equality within the aerospace and defense industry, Shreyas Gandhi
An analysis of actual and desired roles of trustees and presidents of community colleges linked to board-president relationship and its impact on college effectiveness, Annette M. Gilzene
Latino parents' perceptions of their involvement in their children's secondary education and the college preparation process, Ronald C. Heredia
A phenomenological study of nurse clinicians' participation in an evidence-based practice clinical research fellowship program, Cheryl A. Hernandez
Correlational study between emotional intelligence scores and specific personality traits of professionals working in the nonprofit sector in the Northwest, Suzan L. Huntington
Factors that inspire preadolescent students to pursue college and career plans, Kamal Vinayak Inamdar