"An analysis of actual and desired roles of trustees and presidents of " by Annette M. Gilzene


This study's primary purpose was to examine whether or not there were differences in the roles community college boards of trustees and presidents said they currently perform and those they said they should perform. In addition, the study sought to determine whether or not the relationship between trustees and the president impacted the effectiveness of community colleges in California, USA. The following research questions were used to guide the study. Was there a gap between what roles trustees of California Community Colleges said they perform and the roles they said they should perform? Was there a gap between what roles presidents of California Community Colleges said they perform and the roles they said they should perform? Did the perceived relationship between board of trustees and president impact the effectiveness of community colleges? Data collected did support the existence of a gap between what trustees and presidents said they did and what they said they should do and indeed there were statistically significant differences between "do" and "should do" average scores. Trustees underperformed in the areas of leadership regarding: creating a positive climate and providing effective leadership by modeling integrity, vision, and ethical behavior; establishing and enforcing policies that ensure the legal, ethical, and prudent management of college resources; and ensuring that administrative procedures exist and are followed to comply with laws and regulations. Presidents underperformed in the areas of leadership regarding: creating a positive climate and providing effective leadership by modeling integrity, vision, and ethical behavior; and ensuring that administrative procedures exist and are followed to comply with laws and regulations. Also the study found that from the perspective of trustees, there was a positive correlation between the impact of the perceived relationship between trustees and presidents and the effectiveness of community colleges as measured by enrollment, attrition, retention and goal attainment which is designated by graduation. However, from the perspective of presidents, there was a negative correlation between the impact of the perceived relationship between presidents and trustees of community colleges and the effectiveness of these colleges.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Community college presidents; Community college trustees; Dissertations (EdD) -- Organizational leadership

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Madjidi, Farzin
