"Live Long and Prosper: a health promotion group treatment for reducing" by Marissa Burgoyne


The mortality rate due to behavioral causes among veterans diagnosed with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is much higher than the rate found among the normal population. In particular, veterans diagnosed with chronic PTSD die more frequently from conditions related to substance abuse, such as Hepatitis C, blood diseases, violence, aggression, and suicide. In addition, rates of behaviorally-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are high among veterans diagnosed with chronic PTSD. These findings highlight a need to promote healthy behavioral practices among veterans diagnosed with PTSD. A manualized health promotion group treatment for veterans with PTSD was developed to target health risk behaviors prevalent among this population. The manual incorporates psychoeducation, motivational interviewing and the transtheoretical model to increase veterans' awareness of their engagement in health risk behaviors and increase motivation for change. The meta-intention of the treatment protocol is to promote positive health practices and increase longevity and quality of life among this veteran population. This project focuses specifically on the development of the assessment strategy component of the group intervention. The assessment measures are interwoven into the group treatment and offer a comprehensive strategy for evaluating the efficacy of the treatment protocol.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (PsyD) -- Psychology; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Veterans -- Mental health; Health promotion

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Foy, David;
