Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Boys in the hood: a study of academic resilience among a group of at-risk, high-achieving, African American males in a southern California school district, Patrick B. Booker
Site administrators' perceptions of barriers and enablers to parent involvement in urban Title I charter schools, Jessica T. Boro
Examining therapists' perceptions of strategies for overcoming barriers to treatment with youth and their families, Lyndsay Brooks
Comic art and humor in the workplace: an exploratory study ...ZZzzzz, Kella Brown
Apology as a leadership behavior: a meta-analysis with implications for organizational leaders, Matthew W. Brubaker
Opening doors: a collective case study of integrating technology in the preschool through 3rd grade classroom in a developmentally appropriate way, Amy Louise Cox Cameron
Work-life balance of women leaders in the Association of Theological Schools, Kelly Campbell
Sense of belonging in cyberspace: examining the impact of hybrid courses on student persistence, Ronald J. Costello
Organizational leadership: a study on the affects of certification to international organization for standardization (ISO), Jewel S. Cowart
The efficacy of an academic behavior assessment tool for the functional behavior assessment process, Sharlyn Crump
A study of the characteristics needed by information technology leaders in faith-based higher education institutions, Donald H. Davis
Impact of a family council intervention on owner knowledge and stewardship within a family business, Vikki Dorsey
Experiences of clinicians using mindfulness-based therapy with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: a qualitative analysis, Nathan Edwards
Examining the impact of online professional development on teacher practice, Tracy R. Edwards
Detection of traumatic brain injury with the picture memory interference test in college students, Bryce Erich
The rise and fall of self-esteem: a critical review, reconceptualization, and recommendations, Tamara Shawn Levy Eromo
The servant leadership of Nelson Mandela: a case study, Tobi Renee Falzon
Teacher leadership practices, supports and challenges in implementation of the common core high school math standards, Shelley Fetterolf-Klein
A potential transorganizational system focused on disadvantaged youth, Cynthia Fields
A profile of the chief student affairs officers of the California State University system, Jarrett D. Fisher
Survey says: an analysis of the degree of impact of the beginning teacher support and assessment program on classroom practices, Kenney Shresia Deon Fontenot
The use of experiential acceptance in psychotherapy with emerging adults, Lauren Ford
The use of reflective practices by psychology interns, Rachel Fried
Autism spectrum disorder and using yoga as an intervention: a critical review of the literature, Jessica Garcia
Applying trait and skills leadership approaches to determine leadership style of Shirin Ebadi, human rights activist and Nobel peace laureate, Kathleen Clare Geisen
A study of the influence of leadership competencies on a school culture organization, Veronica Glover
Women in nonprofit leadership: strategies for work-life balance, Amanda Colleen Green
Virtual reference in a community college library: patron use of instant messaging and log-in chat services, Alison Steinberg Gurganus
Long term effects of foster care on social relationships, Angela Hackworth-Wilson
Neuropsychological rehabilitation specific to anorexia nervosa: a critical review of the literature on executive functioning symptomatology and cognitive remediation treatment applications tailored to this patient population, Kayleigh Elizabeth Hale
Development of the athlete: a resource manual for clinicians working with elite adolescent male athletes, Kenneth D. Hartline
The implications of moral injury among African American females with a history of substance abuse: a preliminary study, Jaimee Silvera Hartman
Measuring parent perception and understanding of Montessori education in three Massachusetts Montessori schools, Elisabeth Hiles
An exploratory study: mobile device use for academics, Malia Hoffmann
The power of play in developing emotional intelligence impacting leadership success: a study of the leadership team in a Midwest private, liberal arts university, Patricia J. Hohlbein
A phenomenological case study of finding meaning through the developmental nature of a doctoral program in organization change, Joseph C. Holler
Leadership styles and behaviors of African American women executives from different economic centers, Jacqueline M. Johnson
Independent management consulting business success, Michael Jonckheere
CTO mentor program: examining the effectiveness of the CTO mentor program and its impact on the K-12 technology leader's career, Julie Delcamp Judd
An evaluation of an independent study program in six charter alternative schools, Carolyn Jun
On the validity and reliability of the computerized memory interference test for primary Spanish-speaking individuals, Reneh Karamians
Walking in the woods: a phenomenological study of online communities of practice and Army mentoring, Raymond Andrew Kimball
Cultural transparency in a virtual work environment, Jason Kujanen
A phenomenological study of counselors helping underrepresented students from Los Angeles charter high schools access and persist in higher education, Margarita Landeros
Non-executive directors: environmental scanning in an enacted world, Chung Monica Leon
Integrative behavioral couple therapy: a case study focusing on change processes, change mechanisms, and cultural considerations, Hengameh Mahgerefteh
AVID leadership: a skills approach to transformational change, Shannon McAndrews
How the Army Hispanic Access Initiative is helping Hispanic students graduate from college, Sidney S. Mendoza
The role of the chief executive officer: unlocking the full potential of women leaders, Pamela A. Miller
Practices that promote parent engagement in an urban elementary school: a phenomenological study of Latino parents of English language learners, Maria M. Morales-Thomas
Leadership: the role of mentoring in work-life integration, Sudonna Moss
From adversity to leadership: U.S. women who pursued leadership development despite the odds, Latrissa Lee Neiworth
Fostering creativity skills in online MBA programs: perceptions of MBA alumni, Mark D. Orlando
Teaching style preferences of educators: a meta-analysis, Lawrence E. Oslund
Exploring themes of moral injury and resilience among women in a transitional living center, Kristen A. Otte
The organization culture assessment of area agencies on aging in the state of California, Maria Carmen Victoria E. Painter
A study of high-performing at-risk high school students and their perceptions on academic success and achievement, Charles H. Pak
Action-logics of Veterans Health Administration Magnet nurse executives and their practice of supporting nurses to speak up, Bonnie R. Pierce
A phenomenological study of families who participate in long term independent international travel: the family gap year, Carrie A. Pullen
Identified enrollment management practices in the California State University system, Ginger Q. Reyes
Incarcerated youth: challenges measuring academic progress in a juvenile hall school, Rebecca A. Robertson
Examining therapists' perceptions of barriers to treatment with youth and their families : a mixed methods study, Gimel Rogers
Women deans and department chairs in medical education: a study of enabling and inhibiting factors impacting their leadership success, Katherine M. Ruger
Conduct disorder: a critical analysis of the literature and implications for adult manifestation, Alyssa Saiz
Processes and mechanisms of change in integrative behavioral couple therapy: a case study of one couple with distress over child rearing, Jessica S. Schachter
The life stories of women warriors: an exploratory study of female student-veterans balancing the transition to college, Jodi M. Senk
A phenomenological study of women in India striving to achieve work-life balance in finance with competing priorities, Linda Shahisaman
Assessment and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in Latino children, Gesenia S. Sloan-Peña
Does professional development in a Los Angeles charter school produce teacher leaders?, Nykia Smith
Southern California small business leaders and emotional intelligence: exploring perceptions of effect and value in the workplace, Steven P. Smith
Utilization of the multidimensional well-being assessment to understand well-being in individuals with chronic medical conditions/illnesses, Jaqulyn Spezze
Appraisal of caregiving burden, expressed emotion, and psychological distress in families of people with dementia: a systematic review, Susan L. Sprokay
An examination of the issues impacting athletic directors at NCAA Division I football bowl series non-automatic qualifying institutions, Wayne Joshua Stickney
Femininity and sexual well-being: pleasure, authenticity, and safety across the female lifespan, Via Strong
An enquiry into California school district superintendents: their role in creating, promoting and sustaining a digital-age learning culture, Chester Tadeja
Produce & achieve: a case study of inner-city education, Daryl A. Tate
Blended learning in context: an exploration of the effectuality of math blended learning programs on minority students' standardized test scores, Shannon Jennifer Verrett
Examination of cultural intelligence within law firm librarians in the United States : a mixed methods study, Michele A. L. Villagran
A human resource perspective on the development of workforce agility, Azuara Alejandro Virchez
The nature and frequency of countertransference reactions in psychoanalysts, Michelle Walker
The leadership process: an analysis of follower influence on leader behavior in hospital organizations, Shawn M. Warren
Resiliency of secondary principals in Southern California: a phenomenological study, Suzanne M. Webb
Overcoming the barriers: success stories of English learners in a U.S. high school, Robbie Wedeen
Exploring the impact of team building on group cohesion of a multicultural team, Daphne S. L. Wong
Qualitative analysis of expressions of gratitude in clients who have experienced trauma, Roxana Zarrabi
Leadership lessons from entrepreneurial failure: a phenomenological study, Yang Zou