"Detection of traumatic brain injury with the picture memory interferen" by Bryce Erich


Bryce Erich


The purpose of this study was to examine potential effects of head-injury on individuals’ performance on the Picture Memory Interference Test (PMIT). This study examined differences in the performance of college-aged students with and without a history of head-injury on the PMIT. Data was drawn from an archival dataset of PMIT completions held at UCLA and analyzed with permission. From the total dataset of 12,227 completions, experimental groups were derived and separated based upon assumed severity of head-injury, based upon self-report data. Following exclusions, the final data sub-set for analysis consisted of 6,897 unique completions of the PMIT. Of these, 412 were assigned to the Mild head-injury group; 61 individuals were assigned to the Moderate-Severe head-injury group. Multiple one-way ANCOVA were conducted to identify difference between group performances. The results of the current study are unclear as to whether or not the PMIT may effectively detect and discriminate college student participants with a history of head-injury from those without, although significant findings were obtained which demonstrated those with a history of mild head-injury obtained higher scores on particular trials of the PMIT.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (PsyD) -- Psychology; Brain damage -- Diagnosis; Neuropsychological tests

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Woo, Stephanie;
