"The supervisory alliance and trainee disclosure of clinically relevant" by Ayala Ofek


Ayala Ofek


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the supervisory alliance and trainee disclosure of clinically relevant events in supervision (events related to the supervisory functions of enhancing trainee competence and ensuring client welfare). Three hundred and six predoctoral psychology interns (N = 306; 79.1% female, 19.0% male; 79.7% white, 6.2% Asian/Pacific Islander, 3.9% African American/Black, 3.9% Hispanic/Latino, and 3.6% biracial/multiracial) completed a web-based self-report questionnaire assessing comfort with and likelihood of disclosure of clinically relevant events in supervision, supervisory alliance bond, and demographic items. A novel self-report questionnaire was created for the purposes of this investigation in order to assess the disclosure of clinical events related to functions of supervision. Analyses revealed statistically significant positive correlations between (a) the supervisory alliance and comfort with disclosure and (b) the supervisory alliance and likelihood of disclosure of clinically relevant events. These results build on past findings regarding the salience of the supervisory alliance and more explicitly connect disclosure in supervision to the dimension of bond. These results have implications for trainee competence and client care. Implications for clinical supervision practice and directions for future research are explored.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (PsyD) -- Psychology; Psychoanalysis -- Study and teaching -- Supervision; Psychotherapy -- Study and teaching; Psychologists -- Training of

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Shafranske, Edward;
