"Impact of senior leader touch points on high potential employee engage" by Louise Keefe


Louise Keefe


Engaging and retaining high potential employees play a key role in enhancing an organization's competitive advantage. Although multiple factors affect engagement and retention, senior leaders play an important role. This study examined senior leaders' use of touch points (intentional interactions) with high potentials as a retention and engagement strategy within one organization. This mixed-method study gathered survey and interview data from high potentials and senior leaders. Study findings revealed that touch points yielded a range of benefits for the company, for leaders, for high potentials, and for talent management within the organization. The benefits appeared to be associated with the frequency and recency of touch points. Based on these findings, senior and executive leaders are advised to engage with high potentials at least quarterly. Organizations are advised to create processes to advocate for, facilitate, and monitor senior leaders' use of touch points to optimize organizational outcomes.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (MA) -- Organization Development; Employee retention; Employee motivation; Organizational effectiveness

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Chesley, Julie;
