"The extent of the use of data-driven instruction techniques in middle " by Scheherazade Dedman


This study investigated whether data-driven instruction affects or informs strategies that middle school teachers use in their planning, teaching strategies, and assessments, and explored whether teachers use these data in order to make changes in their classroom and instruction. In addition, this study examined the types of data middle school teachers use in order to inform their instruction, whether the number of years taught had an effect on how they used data-driven instruction, and whether they found it effective. To this effect, teachers at a middle school in Southern California were asked to complete an online survey. This study provided understanding into teachers' opinions of data-driven instruction. This study was conducted with teachers at a Southern California Middle School; out of the 51 teachers, only 30 responded to the survey, comprising 62% of the teachers. Therefore, the results may not be representative of all middle school teachers. The majority of the teachers felt that data-driven instruction was important, but not necessarily effective. However, most of the teachers used various data in order to modify their instruction to meet students' needs. Also, years taught and subject taught affected what type of data teachers used and how they used the data to drive their instruction. Future research should be conducted at multiple school sites at the middle school level and should include more participants. Future research should also explore the effectiveness of technology when analyzing data and include questions that include non-core academic subjects. Based on the findings of this study, it is possible that data-driven instruction can be an integral part of creating success at the middle school level and closing the achievement gap.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Educational leadership, administration, and policy; Educational tests and measurements -- California; Education, Elementary -- California -- Data processing; Educational evaluation; School improvement programs -- California

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Barner, Robert;
