"The relationship between cognitive moral development and attitudes tow" by Paramsten Hartounian


Over the past fifty years, cheating among high school students increased substantially and affected the morale of students (Simha, Armstrong, & Albert, 2012). According to a nationally representative survey of 36,000 U.S. adolescents, some 60% of high school students confessed to cheating on a test during the previous school year, and that the behavior among these students had spiked over the past 50 years (Murdock, Beauchamp, & Hinton, 2008). Armenian high school students agree that cheating is morally wrong; however, their actions do not reflect this belief (Bowers, 1964; McCabe & Trevino, 1996; Semerci, 2006). The study aims to address gaps in the literature by using Kohlberg's (1958) theory of moral development (as cited in Hannah, Lester, & Lester, 2005) to examine how academic dishonesty, such as cheating, is associated with the moral development level of Armenian private high school students in Souther California, and the extent to which, if at all, this relationship is moderated by the degree of students' performance orientation. No prior research is known to have been done with this specific cultural group in a high school setting.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Educational leadership, administration, and policy; Armenian Americans -- California, Southern; Cheating (Education); Private schools -- California, Southern

Date of Award


Degree Type

