Presentation Type
Presentation Type
Study abroad, living-learning community, learning environment, education, international programs
Liberal Arts for Education
The purpose of this mixed-method study was to identify which elements of a living-learning community (LLC) based in one of Pacific University’s (pseudonym) signature study abroad programs influenced students’ intellectual, personal, social, and spiritual growth. Thus far, 108 undergraduates completed an online survey composed of 32 questions that addressed five sections: 1) Consent, 2) Demographics, 3) Input, 4) Environment, 5) Learning Outcomes. Preliminary results found that personal travel, the educational field trip, and the program staff were the most influential factors in student development. Conclusively, 99.1% of participants reported intellectual, personal, and professional growth, while 76.1% reported spiritual growth.
Faculty Mentor
Stella Erbes
Funding Source or Research Program
Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Waves Cafeteria
Start Date
24-3-2023 2:00 PM
End Date
24-2-2023 4:00 PM
Studying Abroad in College: Investigating How A Living-Learning Community (LLC) Impacts Students
Waves Cafeteria
The purpose of this mixed-method study was to identify which elements of a living-learning community (LLC) based in one of Pacific University’s (pseudonym) signature study abroad programs influenced students’ intellectual, personal, social, and spiritual growth. Thus far, 108 undergraduates completed an online survey composed of 32 questions that addressed five sections: 1) Consent, 2) Demographics, 3) Input, 4) Environment, 5) Learning Outcomes. Preliminary results found that personal travel, the educational field trip, and the program staff were the most influential factors in student development. Conclusively, 99.1% of participants reported intellectual, personal, and professional growth, while 76.1% reported spiritual growth.