Pepperdine Digital Commons - Seaver College Research And Scholarly Achievement Symposium: Making biodegradable plastic with unusual aluminum ion pair complexes

Making biodegradable plastic with unusual aluminum ion pair complexes

Presentation Type





A series of aluminum ion pair complexes were prepared through reaction of Schiff base ketoimines with aluminum triphenoxide. The aluminum ion pair complexes were characterized with techniques at Pepperdine and collaborating institutions. These aluminum complexes were unusual because they included a bis-ligated aluminum cation in distorted octahedral coordination geometry and a tetraphenoxide aluminate anion with tetrahedral coordination. The ion pair complexes were effective in preparing a biodegradable plastic, poly-lactic acid, through the polymerization of L-lactide and racemic- lactide at 100 °C for 18 hours. The isolated polymeric materials had high molecular weights with moderate poly-dispersity index values.

Faculty Mentor

Joseph Fritsch

Funding Source or Research Program

Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative, Undergraduate Research Fellowship


Waves Cafeteria, Tyler Campus Center

Start Date

21-3-2014 2:00 PM

End Date

21-3-2014 3:00 PM

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Mar 21st, 2:00 PM Mar 21st, 3:00 PM

Making biodegradable plastic with unusual aluminum ion pair complexes

Waves Cafeteria, Tyler Campus Center

A series of aluminum ion pair complexes were prepared through reaction of Schiff base ketoimines with aluminum triphenoxide. The aluminum ion pair complexes were characterized with techniques at Pepperdine and collaborating institutions. These aluminum complexes were unusual because they included a bis-ligated aluminum cation in distorted octahedral coordination geometry and a tetraphenoxide aluminate anion with tetrahedral coordination. The ion pair complexes were effective in preparing a biodegradable plastic, poly-lactic acid, through the polymerization of L-lactide and racemic- lactide at 100 °C for 18 hours. The isolated polymeric materials had high molecular weights with moderate poly-dispersity index values.