"Confucianism and Support for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwa" by Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper

Confucianism and Support for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan, 2009

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Data Set

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Public-opinion survey for chapter 3 of book "Confucianism, Democratization, and Human Rights in Taiwan" (Lexington Books, 2013) by Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper. Includes such standard demographics as education, age, gender, income, marital status, ethnicity, city of residence, and occupation. Also asks three questions measuring support for Confucian values and one item on enthusiasm for the rights of indigenous Taiwanese (a.k.a. aboriginals or Yuanzhumin). Sample size of 1000 from throughout Taiwan. Telephone interviews of respondents selected via random-digit dialing followed by quota sampling by gender and age within a given household. Poll conducted by TNS Research International of Taipei, Taiwan, September 2-13, 2009.

taiwanyuanzhumindata.sav (82 kB)
SPSS system file

taiwanyuanzhuminquestionnaire.doc (98 kB)


Confucianism, Taiwan, Asian Values, Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights, Chinese culture, Aboriginals, Yuanzhumin, religion and politics


English, Chinese


The PIs are grateful for research funding from Pepperdine University.

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View related finding aid for the Joel S. Fetzer Papers in the Pepperdine University Special Collections and University Archives.

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