Volume 11, Issue 1 (2018)
Mapping LegalZoom's Disruptive Innovation
Matthew T. Ciulla
A New Deal for Europe? The Commerce Clause as the Solution to Tax Discrimination and Double Taxation in the European Union
Charles Edward Andrew Lincoln IV
Convergence and Divergence Between International Investments Law and Human Rights Law, in the Context of the Greek Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Venetia Argyropoulou
Definite Indefiniteness of "Molecular Weight" as a Claim Term for Polymer-Related Patents
Ping-Hsun Chen
The Oil & Gas Industry: Failing to Properly Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing & Placing Profits Over Safety
Ellery Gordon
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field: Where We Are and Where We Are Going
Sergio David Becerra
Steering (or Not) Through the Social and Legal Implications of Autonomous Vehicles
Melissa L. Griffin
The European Aspects of Global Financial Developments
Virag Ilona Blazsek

- Editor-in-Chief
- Melissa Griffin
- Managing Editor
- Morgan Lynch
- Business Editor (Production & Finance)
- Elisabeth Johnson
- Business Editor (Marketing & Blog)
- Siqi Chen
- Symposium Editor
- Stephanie Chukwu