
The Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship & the Law contributes to the body of legal knowledge in the fields of business and entrepreneurship. The Journal maintains a traditional print journal, an online publication, and a blog to foster interdisciplinary exploration of the legal issues pertaining to business and entrepreneurship. JBEL publishes two issues per year, one each fall and spring semester, containing articles from judges, lawyers, law professors, academics, and student authored notes and comments. Additionally, the Journal seeks host symposia in the fields of business and entrepreneurship, and at times will publish resulting symposia issues.

Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1 (2024)






Table of Contents
Nicholas Conti


Nicholas Conti
Managing Editor
Grace Klutke
Literary Citation Editors
Helen Zhang
Stephen Wilson
James Ferguson
Lead Articles Editors
Jean Fang
Liza Freiberg
Note and Comment Editors
Taylor Conley
David Forbes
Symposium Editor
Justin Wong
Business Editors
Luke Bambrick (Social and Marketing)
Aria Aghalarpour (Publication and Finance)