"HUD culture and how it affects employee job satisfaction" by Nicole Robinson


Many federal agencies contend with systemic employee relation challenges due to an ingrained culture fostered by the absence of trust and job satisfaction. The organizational structure within federal agencies is complex and represents a bureaucratic corporate culture. There is limited research related culture within the federal government and the relationship between trust and employee job satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to conduct a secondary analysis that examines various aspects of organizational culture and the effects on employee job satisfaction. Federal agencies administer annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) in the effort to assess factors to influence change in the federal workforce. The annual survey provides feedback relative to engagement, work environment, leadership, and other organizational influences critical in measuring agency progression toward meeting performance objectives. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has received FEVS results administered through Office of Personnel Management since the survey’s 2002 inception. FEVS’s measuring criteria highlight both negative and positive performance results. The result identifies best and worst practices of organizational environment. Survey results are comprised of benchmark indicators that identify areas requiring change, monitoring trends, and determining agency outcomes that represent improvement or decline. The overall objective focuses on evaluating the pulse within the work environment, which promotes enhancing strategic goals in transforming the organization's culture and perception to foster improved employee relations and job satisfaction. Few studies draw the distinctive correlation between the characteristics of culture, organizational trust, and its relation to job satisfaction. While many studies escape linear relationships, this study provides a distinct correlation between the three characteristics. The concept of organizational culture is distinctive based on elements of value and practice that emphasize the potential for dissonance and tension. The department’s culture is highly bureaucratic; which studies have shown can have grave effects on employee job satisfaction. A bureaucratic culture can stifle operational capabilities incapable of precisely assessing the environment, which provides distinctive variables that affect organizational trust and its ability to influence an organization’s climate. There is a general misconception that exists within HUD’s culture and the overall perception and how culture affects an organization’s environment.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Organizational leadership; United States. -- Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Officials and employees -- Case studies; Employees -- Attitudes; Job satisfaction -- Case studies

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Schmieder-Ramirez, June;
