
James Klasen


The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the potential for implementing gamification at one worksite. Twenty employees in the organization were oriented to the concept of gamification and their perspectives, reactions to, and experiences related to gamification were gathered using an online survey. Study findings indicated that participants had some understanding of and exposure to gamification—especially as it concerned turning boring tasks into games and measuring and rewarding goal achievement. Although participants voiced some concerns, many were open to implementing gamification tactics at work and recommended implementing rewards, recognition, and rankings. Findings indicate that gamification programs, to be effective, need to be carefully designed to assure alignment with the organization. Continued research should involve the development of diagnostic tools for the purpose of enhancing alignment between an organization and gamification strategies, and conducting randomized controlled trials to better assess the effects of gamification on employee engagement.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (MA) -- Organization Development; Organizational behavior; Educational games; Employee morale

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Jordan, Rita
