"The development of self-care workshop to prevent vicarious traumatizat" by Krystle K. Madrid

Alternative Title

Development of self-care workshop for trainees


Trainees who treat sexually exploited children are helpless witnesses to long term psychological, social and physical effects of physical and sexual abuse trauma narratives. Trainees and those with limited training and self-care practices are at a greater risk for vicarious traumatization. Unfortunately little attention has been given to the experience of vicarious traumatization in trainees who treat sexually exploited children. In addition, there has been limited research on self-care training resources as a primary prevention tool against vicarious traumatization. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-care PowerPoint workshop to help prevent vicarious traumatization in trainees working with sexually exploited children. The validity of the workshop was evaluated by 5 experts in the field of vicarious traumatization, self-care, working with sexually exploited children and providing supervision to trainees. Evaluators completed a 9 item questionnaire. An abbreviated content analysis was conducted and evaluators agreed that the workshop was effective, practical, and helpful to trainees. Overall the evaluators felt that the workshop provided a foundational introduction to vicarious traumatization and the teaching of self-care techniques to prevent and ameliorate vicarious traumatization symptoms. Feedback on the limitations of the workshop will be integrated and can be used in future studies aimed at piloting the workshop and further assessing its usefulness.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (PsyD) -- Psychology; Secondary traumatic stress -- Prevention; Child sexual abuse -- Psychological aspects

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Cohen, Anat
