"Human and relationship capabilities in a global change program" by Elena Tran


Elena Tran


This study examined human and relationship capabilities developed through a change program at an oil/gas exploration and production multinational organization. A convenience sample of 10 leaders and members of the change program were interviewed for the study. Although study participants were mixed in the assessment of the program's priority and the company's ability to deliver it successfully, the study found that the program most strongly developed capabilities related to leading and managing transformation and change, building infrastructure and process excellence, and developing critical skills and experience. Key program impacts reported were reducing risk, managing complexity, and better utilizing resources. Participants reinforced the importance of strengthening both the leadership and the capabilities of the central team. No clear consensus emerged regarding who is best positioned to pursue the opportunities, remove the barriers, or set up for improved and more effective coordination.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Research projects (MSOD); Organizational change; Organizational effectiveness

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Chesley, Julie;
