"Directed blogging with community college ESL students: its effects on " by Cathy Johnson


Cathy Johnson


English as a Second Language (ESL) students often have problems progressing in their acquisition of the language and frequently do not know how to solve this dilemma. Many of them think of their second language studies as just another school subject that they must pass in order to move on to the next level, so few of them realize the metacognitive processes that are involved in learning another language. This dissertation focused on the use of blogs with intermediate community college ESL students to see if this could help them become more aware of these language learning processes by doing various directed blogging assignments throughout their semester at Pasadena City College in California. Findings from this study revealed that directed blogging worked well for publishing academic style writing and for reporting on activities done offline. It also was a useful tool for evaluating the portfolio of assignments done throughout the semester. Directed blogging was not, however, seen as particularly valuable for non-traditional type assignments, as students tended to report that they felt these were somewhat of a waste of time. Conclusions derived from this research included that the students of this study felt more comfort in doing directed blogging activities of a more academic nature (such as posting practice essays) and that publishing these types of products motivated them in terms of effort expended, but that this type of blogging did not necessarily cause them to think outside of the box about their language learning processes. Also, it was concluded that the blogging activities of this study did help students become more metacognitively aware of their language learning processes; however, there was no real indication that these students would likely change their study habits as a result. Future research in terms of both broadening the scope a study on these topics while focusing more tightly on just one type of blogging activity, as opposed to the various types of activities explored in this study, is recommended so that a better understanding of this phenomenon can be reached.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Educational technology

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Davis, Kay D.;
