"Including people with disabilities in disaster preparedness: a Delphi " by Michael Anthony Castañeda


Recent disasters demonstrate that the needs of people with disabilities are not being met when disaster strikes. At the root of the problem is a widespread failure to include people with disabilities in preparing for emergencies before they occur. This study used a 2-round Delphi methodology with a panel of experts, consisting of people with disabilities and key players in emergency planning and response. The study instrument consisted of questionnaires containing items presented in Likert, yes-no, and open-ended formats. The goal of the study was to reach consensus on a way for people with disabilities and emergency planners to address the planning, training, and sustaining phases of emergency-preparedness programs. Panelists reached consensus on the following recommendations: (a) people with disabilities and emergency planners should collaborate in every phase of emergency preparedness; (b) people with disabilities, their advocates, government agencies, and nonprofits should work together throughout the emergency-preparedness process; (c) a number of specific components should be included in an emergency-preparedness training program. Using responses provided by a panel of experts, this study revealed areas of agreement and disagreement for issues pertaining to emergency response and people with disabilities.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Educational technology.; People with disabilities; Emergency management

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Polin, Linda;
