"Exploring individual self-awareness as it relates to self-acceptance a" by Camille Fung


Camille Fung


Most people spend a significant amount of time at work. Because many workplaces steer away from individual work toward collaboration, the need for high-quality, productive workplace relationships continues to increase. This study examined self-awareness, self-acceptance, and relationship quality to determine the implications for organizations. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of self-awareness and how it relates to an individual's degree of self-acceptance and quality of relationship with others. The research questions were: 1. Do people who show higher degrees of self-awareness report higher degrees of self-acceptance? 2. Do people who show higher degrees of self-awareness report experiencing higher quality relationships with others? This study used a mixed method design involving a quantitative survey and qualitative interview. Convenience and snowball sampling strategies were used to draw 50 survey respondents and 16 interviewees for the purpose of gathering data about the participants' self-awareness, self-acceptance, and quality of relationships. Analyses were performed on the three variables to determine possible relationships among them. The study found that self-awareness is positively and significantly correlated with self-acceptance and quality of interpersonal relationships. It was also noted that most participants indicated that they experience the lowest quality relationships in the workplace, as compared to those in their personal or family life. It is recommended that leaders adopt a mindset that values relationships in the workplace in order to create work cultures that support employee engagement. As self-awareness has been shown to be positively correlated with self-acceptance and quality interpersonal relationships, self-awareness training should be made available to a broad range of staff in efforts to tap in to individual potential and support genuine team work. Managers should commit to an intentional, planned-change effort targeted at shifting the organization's culture to one that values its people and the relationships between them. It is only when leaders recognize the potential within and between its people that these valuable resources can be utilized. In order to help facilitate this effort, leaders may utilize an internal consultant or employ an external organizational development consultant. Leaders should also invest in the social aspect of work by intentionally designing social activities to support productive relationship building. Lastly, cross-training is a simple way to help employees gain a broader perspective over work related issues, and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Self-consciousness (Awareness); Communication in organizations; Interpersonal relations; Research projects (MSOD)

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Lacey, Miriam;
