"Assessing the impacts of a leadership development program on skill dev" by Gina Paone


Gina Paone


The quality of an organization's leaders substantially influences organizational effectiveness (Bass, 1990. One way organizations seek to enhance the quality of their leaders is to conduct leadership development training. However, training and development does not automatically produce results (Cook, 2006). Too many organizations conduct training based on the implicit belief that it is beneficial, rather than upon quantifiable evidence. It is important to evaluate what tangible benefits actually can be associated with the training. This study assessed the impact of a leadership development program on one multinational organization, particularly as it concerned skill development and organizational outcomes. This study used a mixed-method design and gathered data in three phases using two surveys and one interview. These methods were used to capture participants' reactions, learning, application, and outcomes related to the Leading Confidently training. Of the 285 trainees, 238 completed the first survey, 86 completed the second survey, and 41 completed an interview. Descriptive statistics were calculated for quantitative data and content analysis was used to examine the qualitative data. Participants' reactions to the training were positive immediately after the training as well as 3 months and 6 months after the training. They reported having built a variety of skills at all three points in time and also reported having made performance improvements. Overall, the leadership development program evaluated in this study was found to lead to skill development and performance benefits among its senior management participants. While these can only be considered tentative results due to limitations affecting the data collection procedures, lack of contextual data, and shifts in sample size, the results of this study are promising. Future examinations of this topic can deepen these results and generate more insights about the outcomes expected from this program as well as the other factors that contribute to training outcomes in general.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Research projects (MSOD); Leadership

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Feyerherm, Ann;
