"Working in the transference as a multicultural intervention" by Goni Hary Bissell


The purpose of this dissertation is to use a critical review of the literature to provide a framework for working psychodynamically/psychoanalytically with clients that is informed by developments in multicultural psychology. The psychoanalytic technique of working in the transference from a contemporary Kleinian perspective is discussed and analyzed from the perspective of multicultural psychology. The history of multicultural psychology is discussed with a focus on events that led to the formulation of principles of multicultural competence. The history of the concept of transference from the perspective of Freud and Klein is described in order to introduce the writings of contemporary Kleinian authors on the technique of working the transference. The technique of working in the transference is critiqued from a multicultural perspective and suggestions are provided to contemporary Kleinian therapists who are interested in adding a multicultural component to their clinical work.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (PsyD) -- Psychology; Transference (Psychology)

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Harrell, Shelly P.;
