"An exploration of the influence of the psychological contract as an ex" by Bortoni Alejandro J. Molina


The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of members of executive teams in Mexico regarding the influence of the psychological contract as an explicit agreement within their teams. This study was conducted with members of executive teams who have participated in the process of making a psychological contract explicit in a 6-step model the researcher created. The research question is: What is the perception of members of executive teams in Mexico regarding the influence of the psychological contract as an explicit agreement within their teams? The related findings are presented in this research and conclusions, implications, and recommendations described. The phenomenological approach within qualitative research was selected in order to identify the perceived influence of the psychological contract in executive teams. The sampling was defined by a purposeful sampling strategy; 10 executives were selected and participated in the interviews. The recordings obtained from the interviews were transcribed and analyzed on the QSR NUD*IST 6 (Nonnumerical Unstructured Data Indexing, Searching and Theorizing Software). The important results of this study are that the categories most influenced by the psychological contract were: (a) collaboration, (b) communication, (c) interpersonal relationships, (d) commitment, (e) trust, (f) conflict, and (g) disposition to change. The conclusions emerging from the findings of this study are that in all of the cases, there are perceived benefits of making explicit the psychological contract in a Mexican executive team. Second, executive teams avoid facing conflict. This 6-step model is an effective tool to address conflicts and disturbing situations in Mexican executive teams. Third, it is possible to establish that the psychological contract as an explicit agreement is not enough of an influence for changing behaviors; Mexican executive teams need other kind of support such as coaching in order to develop their abilities and behaviors expected. Finally, the psychological contract as an explicit agreement creates a frame of reference to improve the behaviors of Mexican executives, but it is necessary to find the alternatives for follow up and to consider it as a living document that needs to be renewed on an ongoing basis.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Organization change; Executives -- Professional relationships

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Rhodes, Kent;
