"Identifying demand for private education at an urban Catholic college " by Tara M. Rolle


Tara M. Rolle


The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the factors that motivate parents/guardians to enroll their admitted student in Catholic College Prep: an urban, Catholic, college preparatory high school, with factors that motivate parents/guardians of admitted students to enroll them elsewhere. This quantitative, cross-sectional study, conducted by the researcher over one admissions cycle (September 27th to January 7th) was used to restructure and improve Catholic College Preparatory High School's marketing planning and action. The researcher investigated this topic using the following questions as guides: 1. What factors, if any, do parents/guardians perceive to be very important in motivating them to apply to and enroll their children in a Catholic, college preparatory high school during the fall 2010 admission's cycle? 2. What factors, if any, do parents/guardians perceive to be very important in motivating them to apply to a Catholic, college preparatory high school to which, upon acceptance, they choose not to enroll during the fall 2010 admission's cycle? 3. How do the factors, if at all, perceived to be very important in motivating families to apply to a Catholic, college preparatory high school compare between parents/guardians who apply to and enroll at a Catholic, college preparatory high school with parents/guardians who choose not to enroll their admitted students during the fall 2010 admission's cycle? This study was descriptive in design and utilized a likert scale survey for data collection. The survey's purpose was to identify the motivating factors for families who were pursuing Catholic College Preparatory High School. The survey contained 26 questions with a 3 likert scale response structure. Study findings suggest that families who apply to and are accepted at an urban Catholic college preparatory high school are motivated by academic reputation and college preparation. Findings also revealed that families who were accepted and registered were motivated by moral training while families who were accepted and chose not to register were motivated by teachers. Responses for both subpopulations yielded important insight into the motivations for families who pursue and are accepted at an urban Catholic college preparatory school as well as prompted need for further study.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Dissertations (EdD) -- Leadership, administration, and policy; Private schools; Catholic high schools; Parents

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Rumack, Jennifer
