"Creating attractive organizations for first-generation Americans" by Joshua C. Carson


First-generation Americans (FGAs) entering the work force can help American organizations improve their performance in the marketplace and achieve their business objectives. However, the demographic faces unique challenges that make it necessary for employers to develop specific strategies that can attract them. This research study examines how American employers can attract and empower FGAs into their organizations. The study uses a qualitative research design to examine the study issue. The experiences, opinions, and views of FGAs entering the work force will be collected to determine how American employers can meet their needs and expectations and attract them to their organizations. The findings of the study will offer key insights into how American organizations can harness the capabilities and potential of FGAs to improve the performance of their organizations while enhancing their quality of work-life balance. The study is expected to determine that American employers can use corporate culture to attract this demographic to their organizations and cultivate a work environment that enhances the well-being of FGAs.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Corporations--United States; Quality of work life; Children of immigrants--United States

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Kent Rhodes

Included in

Business Commons
