"Purpose built communities: a concentrated urban poverty intervention" by Shannon R. Bergman


This collective case study research evaluated how the concentrated urban poverty revitalization model administered by Purpose Built Communities (PBC) works to mitigate or eliminate intergenerational poverty and create thriving neighborhoods. There are 5 elements to the PBC revitalization model: (a) mixed-income housing, (b) a cradle-to-college educational accountability system, (c) focus on community health, (d) a tightly defined geographic neighborhood, and (e) the assignment of a Community Quarterback (CQ). This research demonstrated iterative improvements in the socioeconomic well-being of adults and children from the inception of the revitalized community. This was evaluated by adult employment rates, childhood educational achievement, and health outcomes of adult and children community members. It was further evaluated by pre and post high school graduation and college acceptance rates of children from these communities. Research suggests this model can break the cycle of intergenerational poverty in 1 generation. This study evaluated artifacts and descriptive statistics; and it included interviews from PBC CQs of 3 older PBC communities. The older communities were chosen to evaluate similar communities that have implemented all elements of the PBC model to allow for a more uniform comparison of community outcomes. This methodology also provided an opportunity to evaluate the repeatability of the model. Results showed similarities in improvements in all 3 communities.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Poverty; Urban poor; Economics--Sociological aspects

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graduate School of Education and Psychology



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Doug Leigh
