"Exploring Chinese audience’s responses toward American film representa" by Yue Yu


Yue YuFollow


This qualitative study focuses on the Chinese audience responses to Chinese media representations in American films. The goal of this project is to create a white paper that can be present to American film producers or potential movie investors who want to earn a bigger market share in China. Semi-structured focus groups were conducted among college students, addressing four research questions. Findings revealed that the participants in the focus group were able to identify and acknowledge the Chinese media representation and stereotypes in American feature films. Furthermore, most of the participants were positive towards Chinese elements incorporations and were capable of recognizing the motivations for doing so within the political economy of movie production. The participants were more active and insightful in elaborating on their ideas. Participants expressed their expectations and hopes for the future American films. They are willing to see more Chinese elements in the movies. However, the contents and the ways the Chinese elements and culture are portrayed deserve prudent considerations.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Culture in motion pictures; China--In motion pictures; Motion pictures--Social aspects

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Seaver College



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Bert Ballard
