
While many Christians take up their work in the world in the context of formal ministry or by pursuing a career in worship music, there are also many musicians who are devout Christians who do not necessarily feel called to express their vocation in such contexts. Nonetheless, they can take up their work in the world through their craft and glorify God in countless ways that do not necessitate making overtly Christian music or leading worship at their church. This thesis will first explore a pneumatological theology of work. It will then explore the calling of the musician, focusing on the work of the Spirit in the musical calling, and on the concept of vocational integrity and stewardship. To conclude, this project will provide three examples of Christians in the music industry—in different capacities and genres—who have sought to glorify God through their work. Whether it is by making career choices that are congruent with kingdom-living, using their platform to share the gospel with others, or creating music with theological themes woven into the lyrics and even the sounds themselves, Christian musicians who do not feel called to formal ministry or worship music-making can—and should—seek to glorify God in their work.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Musicians -- Religious aspects; Music -- Religious aspects; Christians -- Occupations

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Seaver College



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Daniel A. Rodriguez

Included in

Christianity Commons
