
This qualitative study researched Christian Science principles, a blended approach of science and spirituality, and their relevance and contribution to the field of Organization Development. Data was gathered as to whether or not Christian Science principles should be considered a resource for handling business challenges. The 14 individuals who participated in this study were asked 15 questions that correlated to the primary three research questions. Participant's answers were collected and coded in order to analyze and determine reoccurring and prominent points in the data. The study found that some current OD methods and tools are similar in context to Christian Science principles. Those that were interviewed, found the principles to be successful in application and continue to use them as a regular practice in dealing with business issues. Discussion is provided in adopting the Christian Science principles into mainstream OD practice.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Christian Science -- Case studies; Organizational change -- Religious aspects; Leadership -- Case studies

Date of Award


School Affiliation

Graziadio Business School



Degree Type


Degree Name


Faculty Advisor

Terri Egan
