Summer Undergraduate Research in Biology Program | Seaver College | Pepperdine University


Submissions from 2023


Data Set: Southern California marine protected areas promote bolder fish populations, Lucian Himes and Florybeth F. La Valle


Article: Southern California marine protected areas promote bolder fish populations, Lucian Himes and Florybeth F. La Valle


Research Poster: Association Between Estrogen-Related Genetic and Microbial Factors in Breast Tissue: Implications for Breast Cancer Risk, Rachel Yutong Jiang, Ariana McCaw, and Leah Stiemsma


Research Poster: Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Engineering a CRISPRa System to Activate Dormant Tumor Suppressor Genes, Madison Johnson and Antonio Gomez


Research Poster: Chaparral fern gametophytes experience microclimates with more moisture and more moderate temperatures than fern sporophytes, Samuel Fitzgerald, Marinna Grijalva, Paola Moreno, Reem Al Dabagh, Stephen Davis, and Helen Holmlund


Research Poster: Effects of Aerosol Residues Benzene and Vinyl Chloride on A549 Lung Epithelial Cells, Alexis Thornburgh and Thomas Vandergon


Research Poster: Effects of Polyethylene Microplastic and Nanoplastics Particles on Santa Monica Mountain Fern Gametophytes, Breanna Colunga and Thomas Vandergon


Research Poster: Fern gametophyte response to desiccation is more similar to moss gametophytes than to fern sporophytes, Paola Moreno, Marinna Grijalva, Samuel Fitzgerald, Reem Al Dabagh, Stephen Davis, and Helen Holmlund


Research Poster: Folic Acid Deficiency and Methylation in 3 Neurodegenerative Mouse Models: DSP4-Alzheimer's, Down's Syndrome, and Aged, Jasmine Best, Antonio Gomez, and Susan Helm


Research Poster: Mathematically Modeling How Trapping Regimes that Target Specific Crayfish Life Stages Impact Removal Efficacy, Relena Pattison and Courtney Davis


Research Poster: Polystyrene Nanoplastics Initiate the HPA Axis in Hypothalamic Nerve Cells, Hannah Shin and Thomas Vandergon


Research Poster: The Breast Cancer Genome and its Association with the Breast Tissue Bacteriome, Ariana McCaw and Leah Stiemsma


Research Poster: Understanding the Role of DNA Methylation in Carbon Black-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response Elements (ERSE), Tyler McDonald, Antonio Gomez, and Jay Brewster


Data Set: In situ carbon uptake of marine macrophytes is highly variable among species, taxa, and morphology, Julian Jacobs, Lucian Himes, and Florybeth Flores La Valle Dr.

Submissions from 2022


Research Poster: Analysis of Proteolytic Cleavage of Fibril Forming Lysosomal Protein, Rakel Ang, Jessica Moser, and Jay Brewster


Research Poster: California wildfires impact fern microclimate in forest and chaparral ecosystems, Jamie Fuqua, Hanna Vaidya, Jordyn Regier, Syd Socquet, Reem Al Dabagh, Jessica Moser, Stephen Davis, and Helen Holmlund


Research Poster: Effect of Macroplastic Type, Color, and Floating Behavior on Settlement and Succession of Marine Biota, Caleb Dao and Florybeth La Valle


Research Poster: Effects of Anthropogenic Nutrient Introduction on Macroalgal Carbon Uptake in the Intertidal Zone, Julian Jacobs, Lucian Himes, Sophia Zummo, and Florybeth La Valle


Research Poster: Effects of lead and PET nanoplastic particles on metabolism and cell stress markers in murine RAW 264.7 macrophage cells, Diana Tejera-Berrios and Thomas Vandergon


Research Poster: Humidity Control of a Novel Fern Gametophyte Dessication Chamber, Jessica Moser, Lauren Haberstock, Stephen Davis, and Helen Holmlund


Research Poster: Mathematically Investigating the Impacts of Antibody Dynamics on the Human Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2, Hanna Vaidya and Courtney Davis


Research Poster: Modeling How Tamiflu Treatment Affects the Immune Response to Influenza in PhysiCell, Melanie Sadecki and Courtney Davis


Research Poster: The Effects of Polyethylene Terephthalate Nanoplastic Particles on the Metabolism and Expression of Cell Stress Markers in Human Caco-2 Cells, Danielli Cavallo and Thomas Vandergon


Research Poster: Victory for the vectors? Cilmatic stress decreases tick survival but increases host-seeking behavior, Caleb Nielebeck, Sang Hyo Kim, Antonio Pepe, Lucian Himes, Zachary Miller, Sophia Zummo, Mary Tang, and Javier Monzon