"Mikveh: The Relationship of Jewish Ritual Immersion and Christian Bapt" by Barry D. Fike
Mikveh: The Relationship of Jewish Ritual Immersion and Christian Baptism

Mikveh: The Relationship of Jewish Ritual Immersion and Christian Baptism

Barry D. Fike, Pepperdine University


Most Christians understand baptism as an undeniable doctrine of early Christianity. What most don’t grasp is that this practice goes far beyond the confines of Jesus and John the Baptist to some of the earliest recorded stages of the people of God, meaning that it has always been a part of the plan of God for the redemption of mankind. In this book, Barry Fike goes back into the Hebrew background of the concept of Christian baptism into the Jewish understanding of this ritual of cleanliness to show that our present understanding needs to have some backdrop to correctly identify a practice that has been discussed for at least 2000 years among Christians. While this isn’t the last word on the subject, it does raise significant questions and undeniable facts that need to be looked at in their original context both sociologically and theologically.