Volume 44, Issue 3 (2017) Symposium: The United States Vice Presidency: In History, Practice and the Future
This issue was published as a special issue in Volume 44, after issue 2. As published, It does not have a numerical designation.Articles
Failure to Act and the Separation of Powers-The Vice Presidency and the Need to Surmount Divided Power in Pursuit of a Workable Government
Douglas W. Kmiec
The Vice President-More than an Afterthought?
Richard B. Cheney, Edwin Meese III, and Douglas W. Kmiec
The Vice Presidency in the Twenty-First Century
Jody C. Baumgartner
Oh, VPOTUS, Where Art Thou?
The Constitutional Situs of the Vice Presidency as Surveyed by a Former Vice
Presidential Lawyer
Shannen W. Coffin
The Vice Presidency in Five (Sometimes)
Easy Pieces
Vikram David Amar

- Editor-in-chief
- Helen Andrews
- Managing Editor
- Emily Speier
- Business and Production Editor
- Tess Douglas
- Symposium Editor
- Alice Anderson
- Essays, Reviews and Other Commentary Editor
- Derek O’Reilly-Jones