Volume 20, Issue 1 (1992)
Contingency Enhancements in Attorney Fee Cases: City of Burlington v. Dague, the End of Merit Systems Protection Board's Struggle to Understand and Apply Delaware Valley II
Cameron P. Quinn and Katharine A. Klos
Victim Harm, Retributivism and Capital Punishment: A Philosophy Critique of Payne v. Tennessee
R. P. Peerenboom
Masson v. New Yorker Magazine, Inc.: Permission for Journalists to Quote What I Mean, Not What I Say
Kevin M. Erwin
Natural Resource Damages under CERCLA: The Emerging Champion of Environmental Enforcement
Patrick Thomas Michael III
California Supreme Court Survey - August 1991-May 1992
Richard John Bergstrom III

- Editor-in-Chief
- James A. Gash
- Managing Editor
- Mary Margaret Penrose
- Business Editor
- Kurt M. Langkow