The Pursuit of Simplicity
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During the academic year 1978-79 the students and faculty of Pepperdine University were privileged to experience this book in the form of five lectures given under the auspices of the Arthur Spitzer Chair of Energy and Management. It is difficult to convey the special quality of those five lectures, the intellectual excitement they generated, the sense of the audience that they were participating in important events. Here was a master teacher, one of the world's great physicists, leading us through the labyrinthine passages of modern science with grace and wit and insight, and always with a profound appreciation of the human consequences of the scientific endeavor. In the clarity of his vision Dr. Teller exemplified his major theme: that science is in essence the pursuit of simplicity. Here then is a completed version of those lectures. The Pursuit of Simplicity is an inspiring book which reminds us of the central role that science plays in improving the human condition.
0932612113, 9780932612113, 0932612032, 9780932612038
Publication Date
Pepperdine University Press
Recommended Citation
Teller, Edward, "The Pursuit of Simplicity" (1981). Pepperdine University Press. 6.